How old were you when you were having the best times of your life?

Just after high school. Didn't go to college right after and first couple of years before me and my friends got on with our adult lives we just existed in a simpler time. No responsibilities or anywhere to be. Started an apprenticeship in my early 20's and started working a ton of overtime and and met my wife, then started doing adult things. I wouldn't say I was any happier back then, it was simple.
High school. Meeting girls from the other school just drinking vodka from my father's stash. It was Red hot chili peppers rocking my world.
I think my early 20s when I could take a boatload of class A drugs and be fine the next day.
25-27 Although severe depression hurt this even though things were a blast. They were also a blast because I was dedicated to doing shit just to spite my depression.
22-27 years old. Out of college, no wife or kids, best shape of my life and made good money. No fucks were given at all, just hang out, party, chase girls and focus on fun between work. This was from 2006-2011.

In 2011 I moved across the country to build my career. Now I have a great career and with my wife have four kids. We generally go to bed by 10pm.

Good God I miss 2006-2011…
Probably in my 20s. Had just finished college and my girlfriend dumped me so I enlisted in the Navy. JFC I had such a great time in the military. A world tour on Uncle Sam's dime. Had very little money at the time but had more fun than money could ever replace.
Way too young to recall age specifics, but some time in the 80's.

Despite a slew of shitty health problems for the past 24 years, my life is coming up milhouse more than it's not
Two years ago I had a hot latina girlfriend who was awesome and did herself up nice for Halloween. My kid loved her. Had to move far away so it didn't work out, but I'd say 2 years ago was the shit.
At 45, livin better than my 20s & 30s.
Still got shit to work on & in a good place to do this.
I feel in certain ways, just getting started & hitting my prime.
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How did you make 100k trading stocks during a historical crash?

I finish my studies in late 2007, enlisted for 2 years mandatory military service Sept of 2008. I dumped basically 90% of my savings into LVS around that time because at that point of time, I believe leaving in my cash in bank is pointless. I bought LVS for slightly under $5, sold for around $17~$20+ just months before I finish my military service.

It was literally my first time buying stocks, why LVS you might ask? I live in Singapore. During that time, there were plans to open our first Casino in my country. Plan was discussed around 2006 or 2007, I can't remember the exact time. LVS were one of the three interested parties involve in bidding for license here. It's called Marina Bay Sands, MBS, after completion.

It was a combination of timing, national discussion on Casino industry, ball of steel since I was 20 years old and dumb luck.

A little extra on why I thought keeping money in bank is pointless at that time.
Military Service for my country is vastly different from other countries. Most of the people serving their 2 years only have weekends to themselves. We train Monday to Friday, sleep in camp, book out Saturday morning and book in back Sunday evening. My thought was I probably won't have time to spend any money.

But after 3 months of basic training of the above schedule, I was one of the very few that was assigned to a unit that allowed booking out every single day. It was not what I expected. Only 10% of personnel were this "lucky".

Like I said, a combination of many factors resulting me in buying stocks.
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I think my early 20s when I could take a boatload of class A drugs and be fine the next day.
Did some coke for the first time in ages last night, had a great time but today I'm fucked with anxiety. Used to be able to take drugs like a champion but now I'm just old.