How old were you when you were having the best times of your life?

Did some coke for the first time in ages last night, had a great time but today I'm fucked with anxiety. Used to be able to take drugs like a champion but now I'm just old.

I get like that if I drink too much now. Apparently hangxiety is a thing.
Most likely 18-30. You have your whole life ahead. You are hungry for success. Confidence through the roof. You can do or be anyone. Tons of friends from high school and then you make even more if you went to a university. You had options man

The closer you get to 40, the more it's about money. You need more money. Your friends need more money. Your coworkers need more money. That's what a bunch of old people talk about when they hang out and I don't blame them. You have responsibilities. Responsibility to pay your bills, mortgage, cars, kids. You are stuck in this life cycle until retirement if you are the average person.
You guys are having good times...?
2007 roughly.

Emo girls were still a thing, play some Paramore or evanisence and get to 2nd base

Anime wasn't completely gay

The NFL wasn't broken

metal was better

Last year Pride fc still existed

Peak Internet culture

Parties didn't involve smartphones

Weed smoking was still edgy, as opposed to just mainstream

Formula 1 and NASCAR was better

Video Games weren't uninspired loot box shit shows

I get the feeling this song hits you pretty hard:

Lmao @ this thinly veiled boomer thread. Anyone who doesn’t say now is a loser.

This is extremely narrow minded thinking, imho.
I mentioned early 20s is my best time of my life. Simply because I had enough money to enjoy for that stage of my life and way less worries and commitment at that point. Less thinking about others more about myself then.

I'm way more financially stable now, I have good relationships with my family and friends now. But I simply have more on my plates now, I need to care about my parents health due to age, I need to care about the feelings of my partner, I need to care about my business running, I need to care about employees HR issues.

Am I happy at this stage of my life? Hell yes, is it the best? No because early 20s, I'm living for myself only. Now in my late 30s, while I live a more comfortable life, I have things to deal with issues that is not solely due to my own actions because of responsibility that I'm committed and happy to have.

Unless you are in your 30s or even older and still have the thinking of YOLO, yeah probably, best time in your life compared to carefree younger life; teenagers or young 20s time like many itt have mentioned. You should realised at some point that the world don't revolve around yourself, at least a matured responsible adult would understand that. Happy yes, best? maybe not for most average/regular person.
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I was in the Marines partying, getting drunk, traveling all over the world and banging foreign chicks. Yes, there were some shitty times deploying, but it is what it is. Semper Fi
Mid 20s for me. Living in Japan and bumming around Thailand on holidays. Fucking awesome.
25 and Prime

No but seriously it was probably when I was around 30, I'm about to hit 39 in a few days
Iono prolly rn fam mid thirties are lit broski 💯🔥

Den again late 20s was di worst fam prolly just look better wen u compare ting like nihilism general hatred fi ppl n don't get mans started on di voices n black tar heroin u kno di #wagwan we all go thru it LMFAOLL 🥄 🔥 😴
Definitely before they had cameras everywhere and smartphones.

When you had to go rent movies at Blockbuster and call your friend on a landline to ask if they wanted to play then go out and vandalize shit, climb on school roofs and generally fuck around with impunity unless you got caught and the parents found out. So around 10 years old for me.
Iono prolly rn fam mid thirties are lit broski 💯🔥

Den again late 20s was di worst fam prolly just look better wen u compare ting like nihilism general hatred fi ppl n don't get mans started on di voices n black tar heroin u kno di #wagwan we all go thru it LMFAOLL 🥄 🔥 😴
Shite me later 30's. No likey but I know I'll get that mail order bride soon.
Got to, bro! Take the wins wherever you can. I saw you getting in shape, or are in shape. That’s a good time right there.
Thanks my friend, I was joking. In general I am doing well, maybe not perfect, but I am not complaining.