How many days a week do you train?

Monday-Bjj(1.5) Then Lifting
Wednesday-Bjj(1.5hrs) Then Lifting
Friday-Bjj(1.5hrs) Then Lifting
Saturday-Bjj(2hrs if not longer) Cardio

I train on sunday doing random things only the last 2 weeks before a tournament.

Cardio any other day i have time off from work.
Usually about 4-6 days a week sometimes twice on tuesdays and thursdays.
3 - 5 days, atleast 2.5 hours a night. the less injured i am, the more often i train :)
b4 3-4 times a week then boxing twice a week

now 2 times a week either grappling or boxing or mma; i don't do one or both of them during the same week anymore
Twice a week for two hours. Boxing and Wrestling once a week for an hour.
depends on school/work/girlfriend, usually 4 to 5, some weeks i can barely get 2 its terrible...
my matches are usually 5 minutes and i roll roughly 4-5 times a class
My 'ideal' or 'on paper' schedule looks a lot different than what usually happens every week. If it's not one thing, it's another.
5-6 days a week, about an even split of gi and no gi. And when we live train we don't do "matches." We just roll until there's a tap, or got for a straight 20 minutes then switch partners. It varies.
Posting this to help other older guys out there -

Monday - BJJ NoGi (pm)-

Tuesday -BJJ (am) - Judo (pm)

Wednesday - Strength Train,

Thursday - BJJ (AM), Strength Train, Judo NoGi (pm)

Friday - Strength Train,

Saturday - BJJ (AM) Strength Train,

Sunday - OFF


BJJ - 4 days - 1.5 hours
Judo - 2 days - 1.5 hours each
strength - 3 days - 1 hour + 20 min warmup


Im 5'7, 40 years old and now 210 lbs - 27 %fat
Started 238 lbs with bad conditioning to were i couldnt even do the warmups,
Started doing 1 day a week the two, three and kept adding days afterwards.

Took me six month of hard training to were Im at now and now looking to add one more day of bjj to total 5 days a week.
--BJJ @ 4 days per week.
--Boxing 1x per week (I'll start muay thai once I can get my hands dialed in properly.
--weights/cardio 5 times a week.

I usually do weights @ lunch time and train after work for 2 hours a day. Weekends are a toss up but generally I just do weights and cardio.
Go to wrestling clubs 3 days a week.
Started lifting again (gonna be 3 or 4 days a week)
Got to start cardio ideally that would be 2 days a week.
I train 1 time a week. If I could I would train 4 days a week, but I can't. I'm going to bump it up to twice a week and working out 3 times a week since I have a fight coming up.

Someone also mentioned hours. Since my school gets less days we tend to train longer hours. Usually 3-4 hour sessions.