How long till you acutally got 'good'?


Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
I mean I've been training BJJ for about a month, I see progress but I don't see it on that mat, how long did it take you to start tapping people on the mat left and right?
tapping people left and right is not the right way to look at it its training if you were able to tap everyone after 1 month i would highly suggest you leave that school and go train somewhere where you get your ass kicked everyday as thats where you will learn the most (you can't learn shit if everyone is worse then you)

with that said after a few months you should be able to tap new commers pretty easily but i assume you're talking about people who have been there before you and already have far more experience then you ... well you may never catch up to some of them and the only way you will catch up to anyone who's been there longer then you is if you start training more then them or if you just happen to be a natural

don't worry once some new guys join up you can toss them around to get your confidence up but i don't suggest rolling with them everytime because you do learn far more from people who are better then you
it takes a shit load of time. I have 2 months under my belt and i still enjoy getting tapped out, learn from your mistakes and never make them again.

Recently a few newcomers came and it was easy for me to tap them: One highschool wrestling veteran, a cop, a track dude, and a few others. But like Alexgncw said, "you do learn far more from people who are better than you" which is totally true and it's why you're training in the first place. but be sure to tap early, you don't want an injury on your second month.

It's been about 3 months for me and only I've only tapped guys out 2 times. However, I know I am getting better - I am calmer and try applying the advice given to me. I am defending better and trying subs, etc.
alexgncw said:
tapping people left and right is not the right way to look at it its training if you were able to tap everyone after 1 month i would highly suggest you leave that school and go train somewhere where you get your ass kicked everyday as thats where you will learn the most (you can't learn shit if everyone is worse then you)

with that said after a few months you should be able to tap new commers pretty easily but i assume you're talking about people who have been there before you and already have far more experience then you ... well you may never catch up to some of them and the only way you will catch up to anyone who's been there longer then you is if you start training more then them or if you just happen to be a natural

don't worry once some new guys join up you can toss them around to get your confidence up but i don't suggest rolling with them everytime because you do learn far more from people who are better then you
No way man, I love my school, I'm getting tapped constantly, cept against new comers. But ya I got alot better.
Weonlywonsixtwo said:
I mean I've been training BJJ for about a month, I see progress but I don't see it on that mat, how long did it take you to start tapping people on the mat left and right?

you have only been training a month; you haven't begun to comprehend how much you suck yet.

don't worry about tapping people. worry about improving your game. tapping people will come with time. the people that are tooling you today may continue to do so for years.... they have been training longer than you... what can you do?

i think most people start feeling comfortabl learning and using BJJ within 6 months of training.

as your training progresses make sure you have a couple of training partners that tool you badly, to help measure progress and help you learn. make sure you have a couple people that are at your level so you can have those fun drawn out battles. also, make sure that you have a partner or 2 that are beginners. helping them learn will help you learn.
Envious said:
Position before submission!

Actually in submission grappling I don't mind giving up position to go for submissions. Position before submission is ehh, boring.
By your 2nd month you should be tapping everyone.... three months and you'll be a black belt....

dont give up.
By your 2nd month you should be tapping everyone.... three months and you'll be a black belt....

dont give up.
It takes 7 to 10 years to get a Gracie black belt. Well this is training with Rener and Ryron Gracie at Rorions study.
Because I'm so big, I always end up training with either the instructors or Purple belt guys. This way, I'm learning that I can't out muscle them because a lot of them are as strong and then their technique just destroys me.

When I roll with guys as strong as me and far better, it is defintly the most helpful experience. I love this becuase I train everytime with guys way better than me so when I roll with a person who has been going about as long as me, I can show them things becuase they have only been rolling with other white belts.
took me 6-7 months b4 i tapped someone, i just took beatdown after beatdown; i learned how to def and reverse and one day it clicked...

guy took me down but did not get it clean, i tried to rev; he posted his arm; i slipped out the side got his back and rnc him.....
I have trained now a year against much stronger and better grablers than me an now when i fight with someone in my weight, he feels like nothin..:D
lesson of the day - everytime you get tapped you should get better. try to pay attention to what you did wrong, why you were put in a bad position, etc if you're not sure ask the guy who tapped you ... and make sure you don't make the same mistake twice

most important don't get frustrated when someone taps you in training its all part of learning (you are getting better even if you keep loosing)
Iloveshamrock said:
It takes 7 to 10 years to get a Gracie black belt. Well this is training with Rener and Ryron Gracie at Rorions study.

i am a brown belt and have been training for 8 yrs, and i still have a long way to go i feel, my instructor told me once that once you get the black, thats when u realy start to learn!! lol
Asel1 said:
i am a brown belt and have been training for 8 yrs, and i still have a long way to go i feel, my instructor told me once that once you get the black, thats when u realy start to learn!! lol

Exactly. You never get good because its an art that never stops changing. The minute you think you're good, you should be assured that you aren't.
Asel1 said:
i am a brown belt and have been training for 8 yrs, and i still have a long way to go i feel, my instructor told me once that once you get the black, thats when u realy start to learn!! lol

i was told the same... he said "you think when you get to black your at the top, but really thats when it just begins. Everyone wants to kill you to show how good they are, and no other black belt ever wants to lose."