Why are people willing to pay insane amounts of money to finance a car?

Because blood rushes to the 'I really want that and nothing else matters' gland.

I used to be a sufferer
***Purchases cheap used key fob on ebay*** I guess I'll just tell them "my Benz is getting fixed and this is all the shop had as a loaner" when I walk up to my 1986 Ford Escort.
Won't a loaner be another Benz? <Prem974><Wenger85>
The average monthly car payment for new vehicles in 2024 is approximately $735, while the average payment for used cars is around $523. These figures reflect a slight increase from the previous year. There are people that I know personally paying upwards of $1000 for a truck, not a luxury sports car but a stupid truck. Investing in something that yields a loss and is a depreciating value is nefarious work. Buying an expensive car to impress strangers that don’t give a damn is ridiculous. What’s even more diabolical is that these same people are the ones getting their cars repoed within a year or two.
I mean, you said for a stupid truck. Some people actually utilize those stupid trucks for work purposes so it makes sense. Luxury car is normally just a waste of money.

Most cars imo are a waste. Even trucks for that matter. I know a lady who drives a big ass dodge ram just cause. She has 1 kid. No hauling of anything, no work reasons. Just a big ass waste tbh.

Instead, people can put a chunk towards a down payment to a place thatll help you build wealth. Buy a cheap used car. But people want thay status symbol to make themselves feel special.
I mean, you said for a stupid truck. Some people actually utilize those stupid trucks for work purposes so it makes sense. Luxury car is normally just a waste of money.

Most cars imo are a waste. Even trucks for that matter. I know a lady who drives a big ass dodge ram just cause. She has 1 kid. No hauling of anything, no work reasons. Just a big ass waste tbh.

Instead, people can put a chunk towards a down payment to a place thatll help you build wealth. Buy a cheap used car. But people want thay status symbol to make themselves feel special.
not only that but you never know when some idiot is just going to total your car. I have some friends who've had 2 cars totalled or near totalled in the last couple years. Alot of people are driving and doing stupid shit out there. One of the cars was parked and a neighbor (teen) drove out and wrecked right into it, then tried to drive off like nothing happened.
in asia lots of people have shit homes and expensive cars. I asked a thai friend about this and he said "the home is for my wife, the car is for the other women to see"

so as far as asia goes, you can show off and gain more face driving your Mercedes around town than you can from having a big house somewhere in the neighbourhood. can't exactly take your girls on the side back to the main crib.