How long do you skip rope?

Pardon me for stealing the thread.. but its jump rope related.

I found a Weighted Jump Rope in my basement, Are these worth anything? or should i stick to a regular jump rope?

IMO those weighted ones are for fitness. you would rather have a speed rope so you can work up to do all the neat stuff with skipping. plus, those weighted ones burn out your shoulder so much faster. now if you are a pro with 10 years on you, you can probably move up to weighted ones no problem.
We do 30 - 35 min at my gym...I get REALLY bored when doing it, and usually want to cut off my pinky toes after I'm done...I seriously hit my pinky toes everytime I jump rope

You do 30-35 min yet you say that you area REALLY bored... somehow I imagine you probably suck at it and aren't really dedicated. I actually am skipping rope for 25-30 min right now, but thats because I busted my knee and I can't run so I'm skipping instead. But to warm up for 30 min at a good skipping rope pace is stupid.

do you people even incoroporate double jumps and running skips? how can anyone do 25-30 minutes if you include running skips (minimum 30 sec x however mnay rounds) plus double jumps and not be tired afterwards? try doing just 1 round of double jumps and see how it feels.
You do 30-35 min yet you say that you area REALLY bored... somehow I imagine you probably suck at it and aren't really dedicated. I actually am skipping rope for 25-30 min right now, but thats because I busted my knee and I can't run so I'm skipping instead. But to warm up for 30 min at a good skipping rope pace is stupid.

do you people even incoroporate double jumps and running skips? how can anyone do 25-30 minutes if you include running skips (minimum 30 sec x however mnay rounds) plus double jumps and not be tired afterwards? try doing just 1 round of double jumps and see how it feels.

Do you derive much joy from jumping rope? It is a repetetive activity...

I understand the necessity of it, but I don't find it enjoyable...I find doing heavy bag work, pad work, and sparring a more enjoyable activity...I have to do it as a warmup for my class, and yes I can do double jumps and running skips...
I used to do 15 minutes after a 15 minute run when I was still taking my training seriously. But now, I do 3x3 whenever I get the chance. Man, do I feel old. lol
I do 20 min sometimes 25 min with different intensitys .
If some guys here are already drained after 25 min of skipping then i think it's time to
work some more on their cardio .
15 mins. But since those 2 hot chicks joined my club, I can skip rope with them for 2 hours and watch their boobies bouncing without getting bored.
Ha... haven't seen this thread in four months. Fast forward to now, I can jump rope pretty well. I can knock out ten minutes and probably more, but by that time our class starts, and I try to save the fuel for that. Vast improvement from four months ago!
i tried jumping rope for longer amounts of time yesterday, and I actually did better than I thought. I did about 15 minutes total split into three rounds with a little rest. That's by no means impressive, but its a good start for me.
I try to skip for 25-30 minutes. Adding different elements like double skip, push ups, sit ups, or burpees makes it more interesting.
I usually try 15 minutes to warm up but I saw on Youtube in Thailand they like do it for 1 hour.

I usually just do 10 to 20 minutes as a warm up. I'm also not training for a fight...doing it for an hour that's what the fighters in thailand do....and they do that every day. Not every camp is the same though, skipping can get subsituted for running or some other type of cardio.
I usually just do 10 to 20 minutes as a warm up. I'm also not training for a fight...doing it for an hour that's what the fighters in thailand do....and they do that every day. Not every camp is the same though, skipping can get subsituted for running or some other type of cardio.

Are you serious ? Do you know what you are talking about ? Fighters in Thailand DO NOT skip for an hour .
usually start off with 15 mins... but....

You can skip rope so it's quite repetitive - and it can get boring.....

like other posters have mentioned - running skip, double jumps, squats, crossovers, alternating knees up - you can do a lot to change it up to work harder and get the heartrate goin'.
for as long as a round and as long as many rounds so like a 3x5

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