How long do you skip rope?


Apr 13, 2008
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I usually try 15 minutes to warm up but I saw on Youtube in Thailand they like do it for 1 hour.
I think 15 minutes is plenty I don't really think jumping rope for an hour everyday is gonna benefit you much you could probably better use that time on other things.
Anywhere from 5 minutes for a quick warmup before training to 20 minutes for some extra conditioning after training.
usually 10 minutes for a warm up and cool down to 20 minutes for added conditioning. I used to skip rope for 45 minutes but that crap gets so boring you wanna shoot yourself, you'd be better off skipping rope for 20 minutes and using the other 25 on sprint work or some other type of cardio work added in
My boxing coach use to make us do it for 30 minutes. I remember the first day I did it, I couldent feel my legs afterwards.
i do it 3 x 10 mins per week for warm ups before class

and twice a week for 25 mins after lifting weights
We skip for 3, 3 minute rounds prior to class. I've decided that instead of skipping rope more often, I'm just going to go to more classes for the extra cardio.

I figure 1 extra hour of boxing each week would be better than 1 extra hour of skipping rope.
besides running, jumping rope is one of the best forms of cardio you can do

there is a reason why boxers do this for cardio
Not to be a dick but I feel like alot of you guys are exagerrating the shit out of how much you can jump rope.....If you speed rope for 5 minutes (three 5 minute rounds) you will definitely feel it.

25 minutes straight? Doubt it guy....
I skip for as long as my instructor tells me too :) Usually a 5 minute round, followed by a couple 3 minute rounds, with a few bw exercises in between each round.

To add to what Cool Hand Luke said, skipping is also fairly low impact (compared to running) and is good for your footwork.
I guess I'm just not cut out to skip rope. I can go for almost 5 minutes, but my calves start to tighten up around then and I have to stop.