I don't shake hands. It's an easy way to end up in a flying armbar.
I prefer to greet with a high five. Of course, with this method, you're at risk of getting kicked in the gut and hit with a stone cold stunner. Play 'em by year.
I crush their puny feminine hands in mine, showing them my superior male grip strength.
You see TS a handshake is way of letting a woman know, you're stronger than she is and if she was your wife she would not be aloud outside of your kitchen. If she wanted to use the toilet I would use my superior man strength and man building abilities to build a toilet/shower attachmennt to our kitchen. All this she can learn from a simple hand shake.
I never do this
even if I know they'll take it bad
last victim was the boss of my manager's boss "yeah that high"
but i don't give a damn, no shaking hands with girls-women-justin beiber I just wave my hand and say hi.
Other than bosses at work i don't think i shook hands with any guy i met, they usually give me a hug or a kiss in the check, i would find it a bit odd if someone greeted me that way.
I don't, no matter if she is more important than me or not i'm not gonna shake hand, i may just say hi if i have to in some social scenario but i don't hug, shake hand or kiss in the check strangers in fact.
Other than bosses at work i don't think i shook hands with any guy i met, they usually give me a hug or a kiss in the check, i would find it a bit odd if someone greeted me that way.
I give women the normal handshake, but with less grip.
On a side note; it was in the news a few years ago that McCain's wife had to go to the hospital because someone shook her hand too hard at a rally. I wasn't that surprised since some guys squeeze to hard and probably don't know when to turn it down for women.
What I want to know is what is with some big guys and their limp ass women grasps when shaking hands. I mean you don't need to be Mr. Power Shake, but some guys look like they would give a good solid hand shake and then it's kind of awkward when you almost feel like your crushing their hand. When they squeeze my ass, it's really firm and strong, but shaking the hand, not at all. I don't get it.
like a normal human being. You just have to shake a little softer than you would a man. It's no rocket science.
Although, I have always wanted to give the woman a soft grip and then caress her palm with my middle and ring fingers, while giving her the perv stare.
I lightly grasp the tips of their fingers and as my dark, smouldering eyes gaze deeply into theirs I gently lift their hands to my lips and tenderly grace the back of their hand with the softest whisper of a kiss.
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