How do You Shake Hands with Girls/Women?

When I anticipate a situation in which I have to shake a woman's hand, I begin by placing my hand under my butt to make it substantially sweaty and slippery. When going for the handshake I grip daintily with the tips of my fingers, but oops, it seems that my sweaty hand has, by calamitous misfortune, slipped off of hers and onto her boob.

After this I make gentle, reassuring eye contact while I leave my hand on her breast for a slight second, just long enough to cause uncertainty as to whether or not it was deliberate. Usually I am able to smell her feminine odors by this stage, and it's only a matter of time before we make wanton, bestial coitus.

Double under hooks. So her boobs are pressed against my face.
Normal handshake but less firm.

Nice approach by Wagner though, certainly worth a consideration
Traditionally, its the females responsibilty to extend her hand for you to shake. So I just respond naturally to whatever position her hands in. If she holds it out like a guy, I'll do a normal shake. If not, i'll do whatever feels most appropriate at the time.
Normal handshake but take your other hand a hold the back of hers for a second in a kind of two handed shake. Flirting genius son!
I don't squeeze her hand.
Women's hands are really soft, tiny and weak. It's really weird.
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I grip the womens hand extremely hard almost crushing it....while pulling it below my waist line..right up next to my buldge and then began to vigorously shake it.
Armdrag to rnc. Works at every party I've been to
no condoms if she's hot
You shouldn't handshake with a puss.
Most of them don't know how to do it anyways.
It's kind of like shaking hands with a black guy, you just gotta let them make the first move and try to adapt quickly and smoothly enough to not look like a honky.
After some thought on the subject I realize that I seldom shake hands with women.
Why would I want to shake hands with a women? Thats a waste of a handshake. Only time I make physical contact with a bitch is if shes about to give me head or im about to fuck her.

Woman have no other purpose in life.