How do you grow a beard like Conor McGregor?

This is a beard:


I doubt a beard like Conor's is acceptable in Finance (or most professional industry's). Furthermore, you said you were 22yo so the last thing I would do is try grow a scruffy beard considering you probably haven't been at your job too long.

I think it also depends what you mean by Finance. Banking/Investment firm or accountancy practice etc..
I don't see anything special about McGregor's beard. He doesn't trim it? Is TS an Asian guy or something?

TS is probably Asian. Asians aren't very hairy and most guys can't grow beards. Just genetics. Haven't seen DHK and Korean zombie with a beard. Also why isn't this wasteland already?
Isn't this the same TS that made like 15 Conor threads in less than an hour
To be honest, I have no fucking idea and I wish I knew. I have a Carlos Condit type of a beard myself, which when tidied up is nice, but if I grow it out, I look like a homeless person.


Every time you cum you have to smear it on your chin. The amino-acids(proteins) in the cum will help the hair follicle develop this also works for bald spots in the head.
You gotta be over 14 for your beard to start to grow properly. You'll get there eventually TS!
If you need "beard growing tutorials", please don't try growing a beard like Conor.

Beards do not recognize the concept of equality. They are a force of nature.

It looks authentic on Conor because it is. He just doesn't shave and ta-da, bushy Irishman beard.

It's gotten to the point where beards are basically ruined for those of us who can actually grow beards because men born without bushy beards think there is some "technique" involved.

You will end up looking like this:


You will not look like a rugged lumberjack. You will look like you're trying to cover up your acne with elmers glue and dog hair.

My advice, just shave your face clean and accept that you were born to be subservient to bearded alpha males.

Non-beardists who "Try anyway" are nothing more than hipsters, wannabes, and quite frankly f4gg0ts. A clean shaven wimp is at least honest and knows his place.
Facts - beards are dirtier than toilet. Connor is a gross, disgusting midget.

Fun fact: Jimmy The Greek bet heavily against Thomas Dewey in favor of Truman because he did some sampling, and discovered that most women don't like facial hair. He made a lot of money off of that bet. Take what you want from that, but I think unless you need facial hair to look older, or need to cover a double chin, or you are involved in a 19th century military campaign, then you are better off being clean shaven.
Fun fact: Jimmy The Greek bet heavily against Thomas Dewey in favor of Truman because he did some sampling, and discovered that most women don't like facial hair. He made a lot of money off of that bet. Take what you want from that, but I think unless you need facial hair to look older, or need to cover a double chin, or you are involved in a 19th century military campaign, then you are better off being clean shaven.

This is not true. Studies have shown that women are most attracted to "heavy stubble" which displays a man can grow a full beard but keeps it short.

Full beards were considered a bit less attractive but scored high in intimidation and aggression.

Clean shaven tested as least attractive, least intimidating, but most "professional" (AKA whipped helpful peewee herman steve urkel f4gg0t in a pink necktie).


If you want to impress teenage girls: Thick adult stubble

If you want to terrify teenage boys: Full beard or bushy mustache

If you want to get pounded in the ass by teenage boys and frequently mistaken for a girl: Clean shave

BTW I just googled "Jimmy the Greek", he seems like a real rocket scientist... lol
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if i saw a guy on the street without a beard i would stomp a mudhole in his ass

and if i see some liberal scarf hipster with a "sarcastic intellectual beard" he's getting it 2x worse, i will go after his family