how come everytime i make a thread involving LSG people from other sites find it...


calf cruncher fan
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
and defend her like some sort of chivalrous geek that just finished vigorously rubbing himself while viewing material from a forum called the "Male Rotties Forum"...
i heard they have a special phone to call when you makea thread like in batman
Originally posted by 8thDegreeSavage
They see all!.....from Mount Retardus!
lol, i think this is the first time you have made me laugh!
shit it must be getting late! :D
As the new mod of the Male Rotties forum I will now ask you to SHUT THE FUCK UP!
with all do respect better get back to your post...rumor has it that site is being ravaged by experimenting globalgoers...all 3 of doggfathers aliases are partaking in some sort of love ritual with nude pics of matt lauer...
I think I will let him be if it's all the same to you.

cause it's fun to pick on you punky.

cause i like making you look stupid. cause i can.
I don't know about you guys but it sounds like a big homo fest to me. count me out
Originally posted by Dilligaf

cause it's fun to pick on you punky.

cause i like making you look stupid. cause i can.

Well then why don't you start? All I've seen if you getting dickslapped back and forth by everyone here. Luckily enough, there's enough cock photos on your forum to give you the overall feeling of being dickslapped on a daily basis.
Originally posted by VOD
Well then why don't you start? All I've seen if you getting dickslapped back and forth by everyone here. Luckily enough, there's enough cock photos on your forum to give you the overall feeling of being dickslapped on a daily basis.

me getting dickslapped???

oh good. gimmie an example VOD. cause all i've ever seen since june is you posting complete pointless shit. nothin but a bunch of crying about God knows whatever.

kinda goes to show how much you really do hate your world. all i know is that i would really hate to be you in real life.


dude, just do your fat-ass wrists a favor and cut open them up
Dillagaf i know you and i respected you, you chose global, you fucking stay there, Tanner, Hojak ensured you and all the others burned your bridges. Ask about Cabbage v Kerr. Its too late for you lsg and the others to come back.
hah where did that come from? You haven't been here in the last fucking 4 months. You've been chillin' in the ghost town known as Global. It must be great thinking you can offer someone a position and have them jump shit. It must be nice to know that's the only way you can attract customers. 'Hey guys you can come over and we'll give you uhhhh you can handle all european business!'. Yeah, that sounds real fucking fancy. Is the next open position the 'Lord High Moderator of Moderation', cause that's what I expect to be offered.
Originally posted by VOD
hah where did that come from? You haven't been here in the last fucking 4 months. You've been chillin' in the ghost town known as Global. It must be great thinking you can offer someone a position and have them jump shit. It must be nice to know that's the only way you can attract customers. 'Hey guys you can come over and we'll give you uhhhh you can handle all european business!'. Yeah, that sounds real fucking fancy. Is the next open position the 'Lord High Moderator of Moderation', cause that's what I expect to be offered.

I prefer the way i said it, it sounded all polite without telling them to fuck off and die someplace else despite meaningh it.
Originally posted by J-Garden
Dillagaf i know you and i respected you, you chose global, you fucking stay there, Tanner, Hojak ensured you and all the others burned your bridges. Ask about Cabbage v Kerr. Its too late for you lsg and the others to come back.


i've always respected you too.
and about that other shit. i know what happened. i know it all. but understand that i come over here just to shoot the shit and have fun.

if you look at how all of this shit has started j, it's always cause some mutherfucker is always poppin their mouth off. i try to come over here and talk strait up but it's always the same shit.

"global this and global that!!"

i really wish we could just b.s. like back in the days but apparantely that aint the case.
take vod for example. i just noticed that he's ALREADY posted a fuckin reply to what i've said. now i gotta go read what he said and smack him up too. i dunno man. i really wish we could all just shoot the shit and be cool.

you all have known how i always was. i never acted like a dick and i've never been disprespectful. but if someone's gonna come at me like a bitch then i'm gonnna smack em like one.

now, please excuse me....VOD needs my presence
Originally posted by VOD
hah where did that come from? You haven't been here in the last fucking 4 months. You've been chillin' in the ghost town known as Global. It must be great thinking you can offer someone a position and have them jump shit. It must be nice to know that's the only way you can attract customers. 'Hey guys you can come over and we'll give you uhhhh you can handle all european business!'. Yeah, that sounds real fucking fancy. Is the next open position the 'Lord High Moderator of Moderation', cause that's what I expect to be offered.

i've been here plenty of times boy!
what's the matter?
you intimidated about some other site????

OH WOW!!! it doesn't have as many hits as this one!
well........maybe because it's only been out for 2 FUCKING MONTHS!!! yet it still tends to grab your posters one by one cause they're all sick of all your childish shit that fuckhead wannabee mods like yourself try to portray.

VOD, you know from the start that you were NEVER destined to be a mod. look at your postcounts and look at WHEN they made you a mod.

they made you a mod cause there was no one else left. and you KNOW this. and THAT is why you hate your life.

as mentioned before, i'd hate my life if i was your overweighted waste too
Punk, do us all a favor and quit making threads involving me :p

Your obsession with my "bulge and beard" has completely gotten out of control, but you know I won't get between you and VOD, I am just not that kind of girl...I respect your relationship.
Originally posted by BertBelfort
i heard they have a special phone to call when you makea thread like in batman

I'm not usually a big fan of this fellow, but that was a damn funny post, I'll give you credit there!