Media Holyfield and Belfort looking ripped and ready for war.

Just by looking at them they look so... 'natural'
Evander looks extremely healthy and ready to get handled by Vitor. Very good.
Nah, he really does, he's hitting pads and not sure which hand to throw, he looks great physically but throwing weights around requires no reaction or decision making ability, this is sad.
Drugstore Belfort isn't a great boxer but he's an explosive striker, i love fighting, I'm not interested in watching a pensioner get battered by a sted head, particularly when the pensioner would've destroyed belfort all things being equal.
I guess I would love to have Holyfield's physique at 58. Or now, probably.

On the other hand, if I was fighting for money at 58, I would not feel good about where my life had taken me
I'm surprised holyfield still looks so good because he looked very old and shopworn when he was hitting the mitts the other day