So delusional. He'll go down as Jimmy Carter V2. Nice man. Horrible President. Thank God he doesn't have another 40 years left to meddle, like Jimmy did.
Joe Biden will be judged far less harshly by historians. Trump's second term will guarantee it.
Biden inherited a global pandemic and economic recession. He did as well or better than any other world leader in navigating it. He inherited a war in Afghanistan and ended it.
He also inherited perhaps the most divided nation and congress since the Civil War. Even then, he passed several fantastic pieces of legislation.
Trump inherited a booming economy and added $8 trillion to the national debt. And divided this country to a point not seen in 150 years. And those aren't even remotely the worst parts of his term.
History will be kind. Biden, for all of his fumbly old guyness, was one of the most productive and successful one term presidents ever. He accomplished a ton in his term. After his term historians ranked him #14 all time.
Nice man? He’s corrupt as fuck and is constantly getting into it with people on live tv. He’s just a senile, grumpy old man who was the figurehead of the second worst administration of my lifetime.
So delusional. He'll go down as Jimmy Carter V2. Nice man. Horrible President. Thank God he doesn't have another 40 years left to meddle, like Jimmy did.
Sorry but no. Straightened out Trump’s pandemic/vaccine shitshow and ended the pandemic, achieved a level of government and corporate investment in American jobs and infrastructure not seen since the 1980s (that’s not hyperbole btw, it’s an actual fact), passed a massive infrastructure bill which is rebuilding the country and contributed billions to the economy, passed the Inflation Reduction Act which successfully brought down the inflation from the pandemic and paid for itself, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Build Back Better Act which massively improved public housing and modernized both drinking water and wastewater, oversaw a 19% increase in American wages with blue collar jobs being the biggest beneficiary, ensured low insulin prices for all Medicare recipients, recovered ALL the jobs lost in the pandemic plus added 9 million more (which is 2 million more jobs than Trump had added before he tanked everything— and that’s just off the top of my head.
Biden’s administration was a tremendous success, and history will remember him well even if Righties have their heads too far up their own ass to see it.
Not gonna address the rest of my post? Not surprising.
Historians rank Joe Biden as 14th-greatest US president; Lincoln in 1st, Trump in last
The ranking was determined by a survey of expert political historians and researchers in late
—There was no “coincidence,” historians always rank presidents. This happens continually. They always rank a POTUS at the end of their term. Historians already had Trump either dead last or in the bottom 3 at the end of his term.Man, with the amazing coincidence of those "historians" deciding 1 week before Biden is officially declared the nominee that the race will be one of the greatest presidents in history against the worst in history, who is somehow simultaneously rated the worst and the 8th most overrated, it's a real bummer that Biden's own party didn't read that in the 4 months before having to yank him out of the race because he had no path to victory. They must be buddies with the 52 heads of intelligence agencies who signed their little letter saying Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation, and the experts in the media saying he's sharp as a tack
I like how you touted a 19% increase in wages without mentioning the 21% increase in inflation, which means people got poorer in real dollars, and 9 million jobs without mentioning the 18M+ people who were also added through legal and illegal immigration and that 25% of the jobs were government jobs that cost taxpayers. And don't be modest about his accomplishments, he was also the first to prosecute his opponent, the first to give his family a blanket pardon for more than a decade long crime spree, the most illegal migration in history, the highest gas prices on record, the first to start his term with crippling dementia, and the biggest drop in public approval since Jimmy Carter in the 70s.
And I got some bad news about him "straightening out the pandemic/vaccine shit show". You can admit the guy's presidency has been a disaster, the huge majority of the public and his own party already have.
CDC data indicates there were 385,443 U.S. deaths attributing COVID-19 as an underlying or contributing cause on death certificates in 2020.
By contrast, there were 446,197 U.S. deaths attributed to COVID-19 on death certificates in 2021, as of Jan. 12.
A CDC spokesperson wrote in a Jan. 5 email the CDC won't have the final 2021 data for nearly a year, but the death toll will climb as more data comes in for 2021. The spokesperson said it is safe to say the 2021 death toll will remain higher than in 2020.
The CDC numbers show there were over 60,000 more deaths in 2021 compared to 2020.
So, indeed, the number of COVID-19 deaths in 2021 as reported by the CDC exceeds the number of deaths reported in 2020.
Funny thing is, historians already took a big steaming dump on Biden prior to Barry picking him as VP.. The dudes legacy of lying, plagiarizing, flip flopping and being an open racist are unmatched, even by his DC peers, whew!I did address it. I said your novels over Biden's supposed "accomplishments" don't mean shit. He'll go down as one of the worst Presidents in history by the people that matter. The public. Not your left wing historians, who try to re-write history over decades, like they did with Jimmy Carter.
Biden is a bum, and he'll be remembered as such.
Did they adjust scoring criteria for Covid recovery which inflated all kinds of stats ?History will be kind. Biden, for all of his fumbly old guyness, was one of the most productive and successful one term presidents ever. He accomplished a ton in his term. After his term historians ranked him #14 all time.
Oh', he's been terrible for a while. It just kills me how some people think a President who was essentially a walking meme of embarrassment, is gonna be remembered for anything but that. These people just lie to themselves. Like how they tried to present Biden's resignation as some selfless patriotic act, when it was obvious that he had a gun put to his head and was forced to resign, because the donors were pulling their money out. These people are so delusional.Funny thing is, historians already took a big steaming dump on Biden prior to Barry picking him as VP.. The dudes legacy of lying, plagiarizing, flip flopping and being an open racist are unmatched, even by his DC peers, whew!
Motherfucker blows with the wind….
The Dems are notorious for overplaying their hand and fucking themselves. They never think ahead, and about the future consequences of their devious acts. Just look at them now. In complete and utter shambles, because all their lies caught up to them. Just take the border for instance. It was "secure" until they needed votes on the issue. Then they laughable tried to turn it around on Republican over one bill, thinking it would overshadow three years of blatant lies and a red carpet policy for illegals.It's perplexing why he wasn't forced out in 2022 when it was becoming clear as day he was losing his faculties. Even if the reason is why is that the Dem backers want their puppet in office, you'd think they'd want it to be less obvious.
He is done.
Bill O'Reilly believes Joe Biden to be the 2nd worst president of all time. He thinks only James Buchanan was worst.
Why would you not take into account the Covid recovery when the US outperformed nearly every other comparable country, as well as its own recovery post-recession? Recoveries are never even and carry trade offs, with the US prioritizing the speed of the rebound this time.Did they adjust scoring criteria for Covid recovery which inflated all kinds of stats ?
Also cheers SherBro any good burbon or whiskey as of late ? I’m in Thailand having some Jamison (it’s top whiskey at most bars here).