It was both, but mainly his popularity...due to his record. They had no problem throwing his shambling corpse out there when there was no danger of election. They doubled and tripled down on their incompetence for three years straight, to the tune of one of the worst approval ratings of all time heading into an election. He was unelectable. Plain and simple. They would've rolled his corpse out there no problem for another round with Trump, if his approval ratings were fine.
If you want to believe that an incumbent who had to drop out of a Presidential race due to being unelectable because of an all time disastrous term that saw him with record low approval ratings had a "good record", you go ahead and think that. The rest of us will live in reality.
No, it was low popularity due to optics, and the
perception of his record. Not only was it not an all-time disastrous term, it was a very good term in terms of economic recovery from the pandemic and the legislation passed.
I’ll give a couple examples. Here is a bunch of republicans trying to take credit for the infrastructure bill
they voted against.
And here is republicans doing the same thing with the CHIPS and Science Act:
Lawmaker who voted against the CHIPS and Science Act are now welcoming funding for projects related to energy, climate change and other priorities.
How are you going to act like we were a disaster, when not only did we accomplish far more in one term than Trump did in his, not only did we pass the infrastructure bill that Trump promises and
failed at, but it was good enough that Republicans tried to take credit for it.
If you want to see an all-time disastrous term, please direct your attention to the Republican House of Representatives: passed the lowest number of bills in he modern era, kicked out their own Speaker—that’s “historic” in the sense that no other House has been dysfunctional enough to ever do that shit before—threatened shutdowns every 5 seconds, made a deal with us to avoid that and then immediately reneged on it…truly an epic disaster. But voters don’t seem to want to hold them accountable, so we can expect more of the same in the future.
And what do you think the reason for that is? It's not like the left doesn't have thousands of podcasters out there, and the right just owns that space because they have their thumb on the scale. Conservative media today is more popular, because people like their message more. Liberal media is insufferable, if you're anything but a left wing loon. You have damn near all network television and Hollywood doing the bidding of Liberals, but they're not reaching people as much? Why is that? It's simply because most people don't like them as people(the condescending twats they are) or their shitty political messages. The Liberal "brand" these days is in the toilet.
The issue (according to studies done) is that conservatives get their news from far fewer outlets than we libs do, and they are far less willing to trust news sources outside their bubble. So these network news sources you speak of, like ABC or NBC, are highly accurate news sources that may lean *slightly* left—but conservatives don’t pay attention to them, trust them, or get news from them.
Right wing media has, over a period of several years, cultivated a climate where conservatives will only believe that those media outlets tell them, and will generally refuse to believe what they are told outside of that bubble. If fact checks debunk the right wing narrative, well then fact checkers can’t be trusted either! Conservatives are more likely to fall for fake news, more likely to use fewer media sources than liberals, and more likely to exist in a social media echo chamber.
The present hasn't been that kind to Joe Biden. I can't recall a U.S. president being basically ousted from his position, the way he was.
They took him out like "Old Yeller", there was very little dignity about his situation.
LBJ was probably the last time this happened. His record is complicated insofar as on the one hand, he oversaw amazing things like the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Clean Air Act, the creation of Medicare and Medicaid…
But he was also the Vietnam War President, and that of course caused very low popularity, so LBJ opted not to run again.