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History of the devil in a nutshell


Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
I was curious where this whole devil thing came from, here is a quick summary based on some research:

  • The evil concept originated in many countries originally as the form of a scary boogie man or a part of many gods, or as something to account for "bad" things that happen etc...
  • Zoroaster in Persia got tired of all these gods and simplified the idea by condensing them into 2 gods, a god of good and a god of evil. This is a simple duality that resonates to this day.
  • Darius the Great who conquered most of the middle east like Zoroaster's idea and spread it around.
  • Jews got wind of it and put it into their writings (The old testament). Also as the Greeks influence grew and Persian influence shrank, the Greeks introduced a new cast of deities which influenced the jews. A Greed deity called Hades had a pitchfork and a black beard. They made him a the "ruler of the underworld as a god of justice". Here is where the fallen concept was invented: Zeus defeats a winged serpent and throws him into the underworld. Myth grew to how the angel satan rebelled.
  • As Christianity was developing it found paganism to be a threat, priests turned the "evil" concept to a creature with goat horns and hooves to scare pagans into not worshiping animals. Gehenna was the place where Jerusalem burnt bodies of criminals. This was the inspiration for the terrors of hell. The rest was history.
An interesting video about it in case you are interested:

Conclusion: it's all man-made rubbish. Any presidential candidate that lives their life by this garbage lacks judgement, is closed minded and is the worst choice for the American people.
For whatever reason organized religion has been the greatest control mechanism and brainwashing device available to the "leaders" for the past several millenia. Its absolutely stunning, that for whatever reason, massive amounts of people still buy into the shit. Faith comes from inside and soul/spirit still exists and will exist seperate from dogma and scripture. Its just absolutely stunning that so many intelligent, logical people still buy into it. Truly the gap between hope and fear is thin.
Damn dude well I still think the exorcist was real
Conclusion: it's all man-made rubbish. Any presidential candidate that lives their life by this garbage lacks judgement, is closed minded and is the worst choice for the American people.
lol do go ahead and lecture us about good judgment. :rolleyes:

What do you do for a living, may I ask?

Surely you're a doctor or a scientist or something and not some mere opinionated liberal on a caffeine rush...

For whatever reason organized religion has been the greatest control mechanism and brainwashing device available to the "leaders" for the past several millenia. Its absolutely stunning, that for whatever reason, massive amounts of people still buy into the shit. Faith comes from inside and soul/spirit still exists and will exist seperate from dogma and scripture. Its just absolutely stunning that so many intelligent, logical people still buy into it. Truly the gap between hope and fear is thin.
You should try arguing ethics instead of religion. I'm sure you're not intelligent enough to do that so you made this thread.
For whatever reason organized religion has been the greatest control mechanism and brainwashing device available to the "leaders" for the past several millenia. Its absolutely stunning, that for whatever reason, massive amounts of people still buy into the shit. Faith comes from inside and soul/spirit still exists and will exist seperate from dogma and scripture. Its just absolutely stunning that so many intelligent, logical people still buy into it. Truly the gap between hope and fear is thin.
Yeah, there's really nothing like putting severe moral restraints to what you can legitimately do in the eyes of your people, as opposed to, for example, communism. What a tool for controlling and brainwashing people!
There's only a few sects that put men above others... In Christianity it would seem Catholics put the pope on a pedestal. In Chrisitianity it's a relationship with God not a relationship with any man cause all have sinned and fallen short of God.

If people were to read the bible they would see it's not a way of control at all, though I do admit there are those who are victim of being controlled by religion - including churches that claim to be following Christianity.
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Never fail to be amazed by the number of people still trying to argue their 'faith' is anything other than fantasy in 2016 haha. Sad.
I didnt see " Makes sweet album covers with Dio" on there.

I was curious where this whole devil thing came from, here is a quick summary based on some research:

  • The evil concept originated in many countries originally as the form of a scary boogie man or a part of many gods, or as something to account for "bad" things that happen etc...
  • Zoroaster in Persia got tired of all these gods and simplified the idea by condensing them into 2 gods, a god of good and a god of evil. This is a simple duality that resonates to this day.
  • Darius the Great who conquered most of the middle east like Zoroaster's idea and spread it around.
  • Jews got wind of it and put it into their writings (The old testament). Also as the Greeks influence grew and Persian influence shrank, the Greeks introduced a new cast of deities which influenced the jews. A Greed deity called Hades had a pitchfork and a black beard. They made him a the "ruler of the underworld as a god of justice". Here is where the fallen concept was invented: Zeus defeats a winged serpent and throws him into the underworld. Myth grew to how the angel satan rebelled.
  • As Christianity was developing it found paganism to be a threat, priests turned the "evil" concept to a creature with goat horns and hooves to scare pagans into not worshiping animals. Gehenna was the place where Jerusalem burnt bodies of criminals. This was the inspiration for the terrors of hell. The rest was history.
An interesting video about it in case you are interested:

Conclusion: it's all man-made rubbish. Any presidential candidate that lives their life by this garbage lacks judgement, is closed minded and is the worst choice for the American people.

what if the devil only left heaven because he disagreed with the cruelty God was showing his creations?? perhaps he was punished for loving humans more than God does and didnt want them subjected to crazy rules of worship or eternal damnation. Hell could be a rehabilitation

sheeeet, hollywood script that shit and u make millions. just like the bible did.
God is a liar who wanted to enslave man and keep him in the dark. Lucifer wanted to bring light and knowledge to man. Lucifer was also loved by all the angels thus God cast him out. God is a jealous control freak hypocrite
I was curious where this whole devil thing came from, here is a quick summary based on some research:

  • The evil concept originated in many countries originally as the form of a scary boogie man or a part of many gods, or as something to account for "bad" things that happen etc...
  • Zoroaster in Persia got tired of all these gods and simplified the idea by condensing them into 2 gods, a god of good and a god of evil. This is a simple duality that resonates to this day.
  • Darius the Great who conquered most of the middle east like Zoroaster's idea and spread it around.
  • Jews got wind of it and put it into their writings (The old testament). Also as the Greeks influence grew and Persian influence shrank, the Greeks introduced a new cast of deities which influenced the jews. A Greed deity called Hades had a pitchfork and a black beard. They made him a the "ruler of the underworld as a god of justice". Here is where the fallen concept was invented: Zeus defeats a winged serpent and throws him into the underworld. Myth grew to how the angel satan rebelled.
  • As Christianity was developing it found paganism to be a threat, priests turned the "evil" concept to a creature with goat horns and hooves to scare pagans into not worshiping animals. Gehenna was the place where Jerusalem burnt bodies of criminals. This was the inspiration for the terrors of hell. The rest was history.
An interesting video about it in case you are interested:

Conclusion: it's all man-made rubbish. Any presidential candidate that lives their life by this garbage lacks judgement, is closed minded and is the worst choice for the American people.

A lot of your research looks like it came from the internet because it’s very inaccurate.
Fear in order to control masses to join guess who none other than? It's all part of a elementary level 2 part scheme for simple minds only.
You should try arguing ethics instead of religion. I'm sure you're not intelligent enough to do that so you made this thread.
or......he could base his argument against religion on ethics?
you know .....like how its unethical to support an institution that has a long standing history of child diddling, for one
You can pretty much make the same case with Jesus. Every known document mentioning him was written well after his supposed death by either unknown authors, people who had never met an earthly Jesus, or from straight up fraudulent, mythical or allegorical writings. Hearsay basically.

There are an abundance of stories, myths and beliefs we can use as evidence for the mythical evolution of Jesus however. Virtually every major detail in the gospel stories you can find in Hebrew scripture and pagan beliefs, long before the advent of Christianity.
If people were to read the bible they would see it's not a way of control at all, though I do admit there are those who are victim of being controlled by religion - including churches that claim to be following Christianity.

The purpose of the New Testament was to control the masses. To appease them and make them weak. The whole idea of waiting for a mystical man to appear from the sky to save you.... it takes the power away from the individual. For example, Christians today are aware of Revelation, but they have this attitude of "Oh well, Jesus will save me in the end"