Hillary Clinton Sued for Wrongful Death of Benghazi Victims

While I don't think the suit will survive...they were contractors not military
Ahh. Did not know that. Then they are probably even more screwed as the contractors' contract almost certainly contains a covenant not to sue.
I don't think the President authorized the use of nuclear weapons, sure.

But between doing nothing and launching nukes I'm sure he authorized what was practical and available based on the available intelligence and available time to act.

For sure, an unarmed drone...wilt at the power projection

You just can't help but double down on stupid everytime
Ahh. Did not know that. Then they are probably even more screwed as the contractors' contract almost certainly contains a covenant not to sue.

Not sure how they were worded since two were subbed for the CIA and one was for state
For sure, an unarmed drone...wilt at the power projection

You just can't help but double down on stupid everytime

From where?

The nearest airbase was in North Italy and iirc, they had no drones.

And even if they did have drones.. drones don't have the range nor do they have the speed to have traveled the distance between North Italy and Benghazi within the time frame of events.
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Two family members said that. Woods father says she said that while his ex-wife said she didn't. Doherty's family and Stevens family said she didn't say it. Clinton denied saying it and there is no proof it was said.

Come again?

If she didn't lie directly to thier faces, then she was flat out lying here. And this video wasn't during the heat of the moment either.

Seriously, why support this criminal? She's as big a crook as any corrupt politician.
From where?

The nearest airbase was in North Italy and iirc, they had no drones.

And even if they did have drones.. drones don't have the range nor do they have the speed to have traveled the distance between North Italy and Benghazi within the time frame of events.

I love you so much, you don't even know what you are arguing.

There was an unarmed drone overhead
You have a link to brainscans or some shit, the can't call her a cunt because that is sexist, can say whatever she wants after the fact.
Are you drunk bro? o_O
They asked for extra security over and over and it was denied because that would disrupt Obama's narrative that the region was safe. Then they were attacked and Hilary sat on her hands and instead of trying to save them she started having her people look for internet related videos to blame the attack on, even though she had intelligence that it was a coordinated and planned attacked. She then continued to lie for 2 weeks blaming a youtube video because the incompetence would look bad for Obama's reelection.

She is why they are dead. She denied extra security. She didn't send help when she could have. Then she lied about it over and over.
There exists theories that the terrorists attacked that embassy because it was being used as a gun running depot as well. Also, How did they know about the CIA safe house that was streets away?
Hillary full blown lied to those families by blaming the attack on that video. Even in the immediate aftermath and possibly beforehand she knew it wasn't true.

And media seems to have no problem with Hillary berating the families when they tried to get her to admit the truth of what happened.
"The truth", meaning Hillary takes the blame. "I did it, it was ME, Hillary Clinton. I did it because I hate your son!"
What a bunch of politically motivated horse shit.
I just hope they're doing this on their own and nobody in the party is whispering in their ears, "This is winnable!"
This may be the best election ever. Hillary getting sued for wrongful death, 50 GOP national security officials signing a letter saying Trump isn't fit for office. Every day is like Christmas.

I was watching House of cards earlier this year. And kept thinking this stuff is boring compared to real stuff.
I don't think they will win.

However she was in charge and refused to take the blame. You know that sign good leaders quote and believe in, "the buck stops here".

Or a better quote is Rickover's

“Responsibility is a unique concept... You may share it with others, but your portion is not diminished. You may delegate it, but it is still with you... If responsibility is rightfully yours, no evasion, or ignorance or passing the blame can shift the burden to someone else. Unless you can point your finger at the man who is responsible when something goes wrong, then you have never had anyone really responsible.”
Hyman G. Rickover

Too bad Hillary doesn't believe in this, because that makes for a shit boss and no leader and there is a difference between a boss and a leader.
Hillary full blown lied to those families by blaming the attack on that video. Even in the immediate aftermath and possibly beforehand she knew it wasn't true.

And media seems to have no problem with Hillary berating the families when they tried to get her to admit the truth of what happened.
It was right before an election, they had to blame someone else!
Says the hack that thinks he knows clintoon's feelings
You can troll better than that, bro. Try being unbiased and not letting your emotions get in the way of your responses.