International Hezbollah pager explosions kill several people in Lebanon

Oh sorry, I would definitely disagree with that take. The influence is largely from Americans, both Jewish and gentile, who sincerely support Israel as well as the strength of the Zionist lobby which does a good job of toppling smaller politicians who don't toe the line. But that lobbying is funded and carried out by Americans.

If it was so easy for foreign governments to influence America why can't the Gulf states achieve the same level of support from the US despite having more money? Its because there isn't genuine support for them among the US population like there is for Israel.
But why there is so much support for Israel among the US population?
It's mostly due to efforts by Jewish Americans throughout the decades to paint Israel in a good light. Everything from Holocaust movies (most famous one by Jewish American director Spielberg), to influence inside evangelical churches.

The CT that Netanyahu just bosses around the US is believed only by a few crooks and the idea that it's widely believed is peddled by Israel supporters to discredit criticism of Israel.
"Oh, lol, you believe evil Jews from tiny Israel are controlling the most powerful country in the world, you're a nazi, let's send more F-35s to Israel"

The point is that Netanyahu is using the good will that Americans and other Westerners have toward Israel to carry out his plans. And AIPAC and other organizations are complicit with him.
I think the native people of Western countries support Israel because
they are the lesser of the two evils.
Jews aren't walking the streets of Europe stabbing, harassing and leeching of society,
while demanding their way of life to be accepted and show little respect for the local culture.
Has it been discussed that these pagers were ordered months ago, so this terrorist act wouldn't have been in retaliation for the killing of the children on the soccer field?
Has it been discussed that Hezbollah has denied launching this missile strike (they usually do take credit for their attacks)?
Its a more realistic solution that terrorism and genocide

Umm no, the terms that we both outlined don't really have a realistic chance of happening. Perpetual war has happened and is currently happening so it's the more realistic or probable outcome here.
Has it been discussed that these pagers were ordered months ago, so this terrorist act wouldn't have been in retaliation for the killing of the children on the soccer field?
Has it been discussed that Hezbollah has denied launching this missile strike (they usually do take credit for their attacks)?
so cements the fact an Israeli mole had to be a part of this.

I swear Mossad is the master at making turncoats.
-be hezzhollah
-"duuh we need 1000 pagers"
-order 1000 pagers from brother ahmed from turkey or wherever
-brother ahmed either works for the mossad or gets his shipment intercepted
-mossad plants 1000 little nuggets of c4 or whatever in them
- wait a while while hezbollah shuffle the pagers around wearing them on their dick or head
- send a kill signal to all pagers
-hezbollah surprised and with their dicks blown off
- allahu abubakar terrible will be our vengeance aaaah my dick alhamdullihaaahahahaha
If it had happened to Israelis, certain people would be saying it's an act of retaliation in response to Israel being mean and nasty to them. And they'd say it's all fair game.
Yes I don't jubilate that dozens of thousands of innocent kids have been killed just because they're Arabs like you. Loving genocide is so progressive.
Ha-ha. There are 2 million Israeli Arabs. They are doctors, teachers, tradesmen and what not. Some of them are even joined the IDF.
So all your blah-blah-blah that Arabs are killed because they are Arabs is just horseshit.
Ha-ha. There are 2 million Israeli Arabs. They are doctors, teachers, tradesmen and what not. Some of them are even joined the IDF.
So all your blah-blah-blah that Arabs are killed because they are Arabs is just horseshit.

You're denying that israel has murdered dozens of thousands of Palestinian kids the last 11 months ?
So they are Hezbollah members!
Depends on what you mean by "Hezbollah member"

Is someone hired to work at a Hezbollah operated clinic a valid target? IMO if they also act as a covert asset of some kind, even if only as a courier or something like that, you could make the argument.

But if they only work in their capacity as a healthcare worker then I would say no.
You're denying that israel has murdered dozens of thousands of Palestinian kids the last 11 months ?
1. I am denying any casualty numbers that come from Hamas.
2. Those who were killed weren't killed because they are Arabs, but because they were used as civilian shields BY THE GOVERNMENT THEY ELECTED.
3. Israel must first and foremost protect its citizens - that is the foundation of any state. If Hamas decided that it doesn't give a damn about its civilians, then that is definitely not Israel's problem.
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Depends on what you mean by "Hezbollah member"

Is someone hired to work at a Hezbollah operated clinic a valid target? IMO if they also act as a covert asset of some kind, even if only as a courier or something like that, you could make the argument.

But if they only work in their capacity as a healthcare worker then I would say no.
Hezbollah has always understood that its vulnerability is mobile phones. The group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has said many times that Israel uses mobile networks to pinpoint the locations of militants.

Some of Nasrallah’s new concerns were prompted by Iranian reports that Israel had acquired new means of hacking phones, activating microphones and cameras remotely to spy on their owners. Israel had invested millions in developing the technology, three intelligence officials said, and word spread among Hezbollah and its allies that all mobile communications — even encrypted messaging programs — were insecure.

As a result, Nasrallah not only banned the use of mobile phones in Hezbollah operative meetings, he ordered that details of Hezbollah’s movements and plans never be transmitted via mobile phone, three of the officials said. He ordered that Hezbollah commanders carry specially commissioned pagers at all times, and in the event of a major war, these pagers would be used to tell fighters where and when forces would be deployed.

So there is clearly zero point to give those pagers to doctors or anybody who is not a militant.