use to like ando but not anymore, he clearly knew bisping dropped the mouthguard and attacked himviciously whilebisping was asking for it,,. very bad sportsman.. shows he s afraid
What?!?use to like ando but not anymore, he clearly knew bisping dropped the mouthguard and attacked himviciously whilebisping was asking for it,,. very bad sportsman.. shows he s afraid
Bisping dropped his mouthpiece with 15 seconds left in the round and Anderson didn't see it drop.
By the time Herb was able to pick-up the mouthpiece, there was less than 10 seconds left in the round and the two guys were going at it.
Herb got close, but he was clearly letting the last couple seconds finish off the round. Why stop the fight to give a fighter his mouthpiece with only 2 seconds left in the round? Especially while they were engaged.
Bisping is the only one who did anything wrong in this situation. Always protect yourself at all times.
whats this thing about fighter safety?? If a mouthguard is dropped they should immidiatley put it back on,, And silva did know that he dropped it,,Oh boo hoo, Bisping was asking for his mouth piece while Silva was in attack mode. He should've been defending himself instead.
End of discussion.
In any caso, Herb looked insecured once the round was finished. I´ve watch the fight again an his face and body language, imo, were like: "WTF did just happen?. What do I do now"
whats this thing about fighter safety?? If a mouthguard is dropped they should immidiatley put it back on,, And silva did know that he dropped it,,
There was a moment that Anderson stopped attacking for a second
Bisping has alrdy admitted he did wrong by dropping his guard asking for his piece so just drop that discussion