Helen Yee might be in trouble if this DIME piece decides to comes over to MMA

Helen looks meh if it wasn't for her tiddys. You have to realize we watch sweaty man roll around as a hobby and are dead against WMMA, so a 3/10 max will apear like a solid 7/10.
Not to mention 99% of the board has never been touched by a woman
You both got a chubby for JDS with tits. It's ok, it's 2020, nobody judgin. Live your best lives fellas.
Bro you might need to question your sexuality if the first thing you thought looking at that Milf with the massive hangers was she looks like JDS
I bet...she's a bit too much to deal with. Personality trumps all. Listen to me!!!!
Bro you might need to question your sexuality if the first thing you thought looking at that Milf with the massive hangers was she looks like JDS
yeah, the whole "she looks like JDS" it's pretty absurd, I was like

yeah, the whole "she looks like JDS" it's pretty absurd, I was like

yeah, I dont think he likes women why is he insulting her a normal looking thick voluptious natural woman, this helen yee chick looks like goro from Mortal Kombat and also has the personality of a stuck up snob
MILK truck has arrived.

Idk about “thick voluptuous natural” in regards to Adrianna. She’s definitely thick and voluptuous, and sexy as hell no doubt, but she got her chichis enhanced recently as well.
If she didn’t, she’s got some world class padded WonderBra titty frauding going on. Like some Vin Diesel/Robert Downey Jr. elevator shoes level of titty frauding. Most likely just implants though. Not that there’s anything wrong with implants. {<tongue}

yeah, I dont think he likes women why is he insulting her a normal looking thick voluptious natural woman, this helen yee chick looks like goro from Mortal Kombat and also has the personality of a stuck up snob
Hruggg. She got the floppy tits, celulite ass and turtle face.
Im glad you like her though.
Idk about “thick voluptuous natural” in regards to Adrianna. She’s definitely thick and voluptuous, and sexy as hell no doubt, but she got her chichis enhanced recently as well.
If she didn’t, she’s got some world class padded WonderBra titty frauding going on. Like some Vin Diesel/Robert Downey Jr. elevator shoes level of titty frauding. Most likely just implants though. Not that there’s anything wrong with implants. {<tongue}
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that bottom photo is shopped, she had kids womens tits can get bigger.
Nah man that’s not photoshop. They’re definitely significantly bigger these days.
It’s true titties do get bigger after kids, but then they get smaller after the feeding phase is over which leaves them a droopy mess. Which then leads a lot of girls to ‘swole em back up with silicone.
Nobody knows except her what she did, but I’m glad she did it because she’s bangin.


that bottom photo is shopped, she had kids womens tits can get bigger.