Gun store experiences

D Train

Gold Belt
Apr 18, 2007
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I went to a couple of local gun stores today and they were picked clean. I mean almost no inventory at all. No ammo, magazines, nothing. The few pieces left were not going to last long. I've never seen anything like it.
Any of you guys see similar scenarios where you live?
I haven't been to one since the shootings but the one I go too usually has quite a large inventory. I'd be suprised if it was empty.
My normal spot was almost empty plus full of customers and phone ringing constantly. This was on Tuesday. I know the Academy here was taking deli style numbers. My buddy waited 4 hours at Cabelas to get the last glock they had which was a floor model.

I'm glad I got my AR15 right before the election lol
Yeah, I was thinking about checking things out around here, we normally have excess stock but that's because no one is working. We'll see, maybe I'll head out after Christmas and have a gander.
That's what the big store around here looks like a few days after Xmas anyway, empty.
I just need to get my hands on a bolt and lower parts kit. Otherwise, I'm good.

My experience getting my lower on Wednesday was taking a ticket and waiting almost an hour.

I read on another forum that this guy was at a gun store and some guy was holding onto the last Colt and going hmm humm and contemplating whether he wanted to pay the $1200.00 for it for like 30 minutes and the store clerk gently took it from him, took three steps and handed it to another guy and said "He's going to buy it right now" and the guy apparently looked like he was going to tear up.
Good thing I already have my ammo and my firearms. Havent bought a firearm in over a year but I have everything I want/need with plenty of ammo.
Fuck. I had a book written out and it didn't post. I hate that.

Anyway, the jist of it is me working in a large gunstore/range in the midwest over the past week. It's been madness. Pmags, glock mags, AR's, AR components and ammo is being bought up like nothing. We sold close to 1,600 Pmags in just over 4 days. Our AR's were gone in just the same amount of time. We carried about 15 different AR manufacturers too.

There's a lot more I had to say but minor writing everything over again. I'm just glad I started stocking up heavy during this past summer :D
Any of you guys see similar scenarios where you live?

Yes. every place is bloody full of bloody idiots, many buying up shit simply because its taboo, or some shit. They all seem to only want para-military stuff.

Some goon was buying a WARS-Whatever it is, the polish AK, for $1300.00!!

Highway robbery Fer fuck sake!
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I have to go pick up a gun from a gun smith today and I'm curious what the store looks like now if it was almost empty two days ago. I'll take a photo.

Wonder what the national credit card debt statistics will look like in a month!

Glad I've been stocking up for the last five years. Just with I had more 30rd AR mags.

Brownells had 10packs of Magpul 30rounders for $120, don't know if they sold out already though.
Called 4 stores... all 4 basically told me that calling in does no good as their inventory is flipping over so quickly.
The store in my photo just ordered a million dollars of inventory and another store down the street did $300k in sales over the weekend.
Yes. every place is bloody full of bloody idiots, many buying up shit simply because its taboo, or some shit. They all seem to only want para-military stuff.

Some goon was buying a WARS-Whatever it is, the polish AK, for $1300.00!!

Highway robbery Fer fuck sake!

WASR. And no way in hell i would pay that for one.
Fuck. I had a book written out and it didn't post. I hate that.

Anyway, the jist of it is me working in a large gunstore/range in the midwest over the past week. It's been madness. Pmags, glock mags, AR's, AR components and ammo is being bought up like nothing. We sold close to 1,600 Pmags in just over 4 days. Our AR's were gone in just the same amount of time. We carried about 15 different AR manufacturers too.

There's a lot more I had to say but minor writing everything over again. I'm just glad I started stocking up heavy during this past summer :D

haha damn that's madness... and me too
I'm sure it's just a mixture of Christmas and panic of the times. No doubt several people changed their Christmas list when CT shooting happened. As long as it doesn't drive up gun sales I won't have to buy them off the black market

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