Rumored GSP Isn't Bald? WTF?

Yeah this came out of nowhere. Always thought he was just balding, couldn't grow much or receding at least

It's like when Dustin went from this

To this overnight lol
Dustin would be Brad Pitt esque if not for the Dumbo ears
I posted this yesterday.... fair enough if its like a week or something. Oh well
He looks so much better with hair good for him
@BokaBokte some people just don't appreciate their genetic gifts. What a scumbag deceiver. Fuck that guy.
He looks better with a shaved head ‘ya dork. I’m baffled that people are surprised that he has hair. Nobody could tell that he shaved his head but still had a clear shadow and hairline? Are you people blind? Do you think kids can’t grow hair when they shave their heads too lol?
We're heading into winter up here. A shaved head is a cold head.
He can say goodbye to 18 year old pussy. He looks like a creepy here.