Rumored GSP Isn't Bald? WTF?

It was time for a change, I honestly think that the bald head thing has been way overdone, especially within the UFC (Dana, Novitsky, Hogan, Canner, Jones, and Van Zant finally did the deed...LoL
Gsp likes black chicks and black chicks are more likely to fuck a white guy bald or with a fade. Lowkey I bet that’s the reason lol.
And that's why he's the most tanned Canadian ever.
Terrible hairline though makes sense why he decided to just shave it.
Widows peaks look cool, unlike khabib who looks like a 5 year old child

He's one of the guys who actually looks good bald. No homo.
Yeah this came out of nowhere. Always thought he was just balding, couldn't grow much or receding at least

It's like when Dustin went from this

To this overnight lol