Got my Nogi Hoodies today


Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
I'd love to write a review about them, but they sent me the wrong size despite assurances that if I wrote "these are supposed to be XXXL" in the comment box that they would send me the right size. Did they? Of course not. I might be a little less pissed off if this wasn't the second company in one week to send me the wrong size. Way to go!
I'm going to go ahead and just laugh for you handeling it like this...
Just looked at your order today and it wasn't even supposed to be sent out yet because I didn't drive my self to the place to get the special sized hoodie for you yet so my wife must have just looked at the order and sent what it said. Sorry about that but just think now when you lose weight you will have 2 extras as well...
The Real Chris Brennan said:
Sorry about that but just think now when you lose weight you will have 2 extras as well...

Wow, is it your practice as a business to insult people who buy stuff from you? I was pretty frustrated because HCK did the same thing to me and 3XL isn't even a special size for them. I realize that providing the extra sizes is something extra you do as a courtesy, but I guess I let my temper get the best of me. I will edit my original post if you want, but I think it says a lot about you that you make fat jokes about your customers.
I was playing because you choose to come on here and rant without even emailing us to find out what happened first. As I said your order wasn't even to have gone out yet but my wife being on the ball wanted to make sure all orders were out and sent it just looking at the order at the top. I apoligize if you took it as a fat joke I was thinking more big boned ;). You could be Bob Sapp for all I know I was just making a wise crack. Sorry.

Chris Brennan
The Real Chris Brennan said:
I was playing because you choose to come on here and rant without even emailing us to find out what happened first. As I said your order wasn't even to have gone out yet but my wife being on the ball wanted to make sure all orders were out and sent it just looking at the order at the top. I apoligize if you took it as a fat joke I was thinking more big boned ;). You could be Bob Sapp for all I know I was just making a wise crack. Sorry.

Chris Brennan

I see, well my above statement was meant to be an apology as well. Like I said, it probably wasn't fair to you, but HCK did the same thing to me after making me wait 3 weeks and I was a little shall we say excited and a bit overzealous. Sorry for my ranting. I figured since you said they'd get here by Christmas that this shipment was the one you speak of. My bad.
The Blue one and the Black Tsunami. Yes, I could wear them if I was in a survival situation and needed warmth. The were just uncomfortably snug. A 3XL would be perfect. When I tried it on I figured that you just had a really small 3XL until I checked the label and it said 2XL. Then I threw a temper tantrum and posted the above.
Well here is a problem. I can have the Blue to you in time and I can have a Black with White tsunami but not red and white. Please advise what to do and it will be done monday. Plus you can keep those ones incase you are ever in a survival situation (I pray you are not)
JeremiahBailey said:
I see, well my above statement was meant to be an apology as well. Like I said, it probably wasn't fair to you, but HCK did the same thing to me after making me wait 3 weeks and I was a little shall we say excited and a bit overzealous. Sorry for my ranting. I figured since you said they'd get here by Christmas that this shipment was the one you speak of. My bad.

HCK sent me the wrong colour shorts the one time I dealt with them XD

I ordered white, and got black :(

The Real Chris Brennan said:
Well here is a problem. I can have the Blue to you in time and I can have a Black with White tsunami but not red and white. Please advise what to do and it will be done monday. Plus you can keep those ones incase you are ever in a survival situation (I pray you are not)

Ok, send me the blue and the Tsunami you do have, I was trying to avoid the white as I always manage to drop something on it and stain it, but I'll manage. I will just order the black Tsunami and the brown OE when you get them both in stock.

P.S. Can I keep the Chris Brennan trading cards too? :D
No No it is a black hoodie butthe tsunami logo on it will be solid White with no red in it.

You can keep the card I guess :)
The Real Chris Brennan said:
No No it is a black hoodie butthe tsunami logo on it will be solid White with no red in it.

You can keep the card I guess :)

I don't think that would look very good. Go ahead and send me the white one with the black and green if you have it.
That one is Gray and it is my favorite hoodie we carry. Shipped on Monday
This was like reading a juicy PM with a Fozzy interuption. LoL

And Yes Chris likes to joke about us Big Dudes, but in a good way.
Chris could just move up in weight. Instead of "accidentally" dropping 20 odd pounds, he could gain it instead