Getting flexible, how to -- question


Orange Belt
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
If I'm lucky enough these questions probably are covered by the stickes. However, I take my chances that they aren't.

To become flexible you have to stretch, that I much I know. (I also know what stretching exercices to do). But I've also heard a lot of contradicting thoughts on how to stretch.

My goal is to get flexible enough to throw a decent high kick, be it a side kick or round kick. I heard that daily stretching your hips, butt and legs would get you there in 6 months. Stretch cold -- that's most effective I heard. Then, I heard from others: Don't stretch when cold, you will get yourself an injury. Also I heard: don't stretch more than 3 times a week.

Another contradicting thing I heard: Stretch till you need to cry and the other person says, dont stretch at max, stop when you feel the pain. By doing so you will avoid injury in your joints later on.

So as you guys maybe understand, I'm a bit confused. What is the easist way on getting flexible? I do really want to perform a nice looking round kick within a reasonable amount of time.

I'm sorry if this already is covered in the stickies :redface:
Of course I should have thought of the search function. Thanks for an answer, not including flame, though. I had hoped that I could get answer to those seemingly easy questions without going through much literature. Ain't been doing nothing but reading the last couple of months. But if there isn't another way around, so be it -- I'll check into it when I got the time.

Apreciate your answer :)
Urban said:
overhead squats.
I came to love overhead squats before my shoulders got injured, can't wait to go back to doing them.
no, I'm serious. Anyone doubting the potential for overhead squats to increase your flexibility should give them a go.
Chad Hamilton said:
I never know when to take you seriously.
This seriously works, I doubted they would do anything for me as I've trained MA for 7 years now and have a pretty good level of flexibility, but still found overhead squats were really quite taxing for flexibility, Dan John raves about them in some of his t-nation articles, which I highly recommend.
also (bear in mind I don't kick... really anything) but I would think that practicing your high kick by kicking a mark on a heavy bag and gradually moving that mark higher would be a good way to go. Yes? no? just an Idea from somebody who knows little about the subject.
I really reccomend 'the wall stretch' for high kick flexibility.

Lie on your back with your butt up against the wall. Put your feet together on the wall itelf (back on floor, legs and feet on wall, butt where the wall and floor meet).

Gradually let your legs separate. Let gravity pull your feet towards the floor. I like to read a book and do the stretch for 5 and 10 minute increments. I used to focus on 3 or 4 basic leg stretches was able to comfortably do the splits between chairs back when I was stretching. (At that point, head shot kicks really aren't a problem.)

Oh, and stretch lightly before a workout if you want to 'loosen up'. If you want to gain flexibility, stretch deeply after your workout (when you are all warmed up). Look at how ballet dancers stretch. They're some of the most flexible people in the world (not withstanding genetic freaks like contortionists) and their leg extension is very similair to kicking to the head in terms of movement.

Just my $0.02
KOU In3 said:
Just my $0.02

Your two cents were very good -- thanks you very much.

Also a thank to the other guys who suggested excercises. I don't see how overhead squat should help me in performing a high kick. I still wonder at what frequency I should be doing this. I think I'll go with 4 times a week or every second day.

I read through the stickies and found out that there isn't really a shortcut but to stretch every now and then ... so ... yeah, I shall be performing hick kicks in February or March :). That's my reachable goal :)

Thank you guys for helping out.
Urban said:
no, I'm serious. Anyone doubting the potential for overhead squats to increase your flexibility should give them a go.
This will not improve your kicks.

Your stretching should mimic the motion you want to do and include the dynamic component which also mimics the motion you want to do.

As for the thread starter, is searching against your religion or something?
Urban said:
no, I'm serious. Anyone doubting the potential for overhead squats to increase your flexibility should give them a go.

Do overhead squats increase flexibility anywhere other than your shoulders and upper torso? Is there something about the position that makes your hips get more flexible?
No searching is not against my relegion. I did acutally do a search, and found all those links in another theard which I bookmarked for later use. A 1000 thanks for you effort, though :):) -- highly apreciated

In fact I think; if I really wanted I never in my life had to ask a damn question.

I plan on stretching once every second day. Too seldomly?
thomas87 said:
No searching is not against my relegion. I did acutally do a search, and found all those links in another theard which I bookmarked for later use. A 1000 thanks for you effort, though :):) -- highly apreciated

In fact I think; if I really wanted I never in my life had to ask a damn question.

I plan on stretching once every second day. Too seldomly?
do pnf stretching (the contract, relax go deeper stuff) every other day, you should be doing dynamic stretching every day. I got excellent results very quickly with 3 sets of 8-12 with both legs going both forwards and to the side, every morning just after I woke up. Only takes about 5 minutes (if that) and will have a greater effect on your kicking than anything else.
Ok, so now I read through Brad Appleton's great guide and feel I got the hook on the stretching terms.

"Perform PNF stretching every other day, and static stretching on the off days (if you are overzealous, you can try static stretching every day, in addition to PNF stretching every other day). "

I'll go with the latter. Also I think I'll do some dynamic early morning stretches. 3 sets of 8-12, just like your old/omgoing routine SmashiusClay :).
Also, in the latest issue of Grappling, there is an article by JC of about stretching, the myths associated with it, etc. Was a pretty good read.