How would you feel if this waitress came to your table?

I like how the place has several crosses in the background.
Nothing says wholesome Christians like guns and crosses.

Yeah I would not eat at that place.


"Yeah, I'll take my overcooked chicken fried steak with a side of Christian fundamentalism, please. Oh, and a diet Pepsi."

I believe in the separation of church and steak.
Lol at all of the decor there. I can't zoom in far enough, but I'm pretty sure that is a sign stating guns are allowed.

I don't understand people obsessed with guns and openly carrying. Ideally, you'd never have to use one in your life. To base a large part of your personality and image off of carrying one is pretty fucking stupid. I'm not anti-gun, but it's pretty dangerous to have a lot of aggressively pro-gun people that act like they are just waiting for the day they can lawfully kill someone. It's not a great message to send out.
It's called TDS

Tiny dick syndrome
? You dont gotta be somewhere sketch for bad things to happen to you .... Bad guys got legs bikes scooters cars and bus passes and can come straight to you ... Also mental illness doesnt really adhere to any kind of economic barrier
Open carry on a slight girl like that only makes it more likely that a 'bad guy' or 'mental ill' gu, who wanted a gun, would commit a crime against her and take her gun.

She cannot take a defensive position against every casual male who comes near her, on a sidewalk or other place and she simply would have no way to fight off and draw her gun against any decently sized male who got close to her and was intent in taking it from her.

This is just the rights form of Virtue Signalling.
Interesting decor: Christian Crosses, snakes, and skull and crossbones.

Not sure if they're Jesus or Lucifer supporters.
it depends what type of southern state are we talking here?
I have no issue with the strap, but the wooden crosses got me a lil...... anxious
Guns and jesus is American as fuck bro

Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.

Who gives a fuck about the crosses weather your a local or just happened to walk in there to eat something you don't have to be afraid of CROSSES LOL