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Social Gender ideology is dying, common sense prevailing

But he is also actively trying to be kind and find compromise
LOL, no he isn't. He's saying the exact same things anyone else is saying who opposes this nonsense. Keep your dicks out of women's spaces and leave the kids alone. Where's the compromise that's so drastically different from anyone else saying the same shit? Those views are only magically not transphobic when he gets to speak for the entire community, and relegate anyone who disagrees with him as unserious "activists", as if trans people themselves have nothing to do with their own movement. LOL.

Just a lefty trying to have it both ways to absolve himself of "hate". Nothing more.
At this point I'm pretty sure Ares is trans.
I'm not. I'm a middle-aged cisgender heterosexual white man.
The depth of his argument is so shallow you have to be a religious zealot to believe it.
Lol. The depth of my argument?

I have been far more detailed in my reasoning than any of these dipshit transphobes.
He's having a hard time coping with reality because he's.... not coping with it. Once you realise that it makes sense.
I am living in reality. I feel like you probably live in a small town and get all of your information about trans people from the Internet.
I'm not. I'm a middle-aged cisgender heterosexual white man.

Lol. The depth of my argument?

I have been far more detailed in my reasoning than any of these dipshit transphobes.

I am living in reality. I feel like you probably live in a small town and get all of your information about trans people from the Internet.

The fact you describe yourself as a cisgender heterosexual white man plays into my point. Normal people dont describe themselves that way.

I'm definitely open to being wrong about you though. Perhaps youre one of the married 'straight' white guys that line up to bang my trans friend. Come to think of it, they're awfully insistent she's a woman too....maybe that makes them feel better when her cock and balls are slapping back against theirs.

Well, depth was being generous.

I'm sure you think so.

No, I'm pretty familiar with them. Although perhaps not in the same way as you are. My trans friends are pretty self aware.

The internet is where the radicalisation of retards takes place, so if you're not in denial due to your sexual proclivities, you're far more likely to be the one getting your information online.
The fact you describe yourself as a cisgender heterosexual white man plays into my point. Normal people dont describe themselves that way.
They do in this context. You accused me of being trans. I am not.
I'm definitely open to being wrong about you though. Perhaps youre one of the married 'straight' white guys that line up to bang my trans friend. Come to think of it, they're awfully insistent she's a woman too....maybe that makes them feel better when her cock and balls are slapping back against theirs.
Please keep your sexual fanfiction to yourself. That's weird.
No, I'm pretty familiar with them. Although perhaps not in the same way as you are. My trans friends are pretty self aware.
Yeah, I bet you have a real interesting search history
The internet is where the radicalisation of retards takes place, so if you're not in denial due to your sexual proclivities, you're far more likely to be the one getting your information online.
No, learning things in the real world is how you can break out of your bubble. You should try it.
A lot of people would think some of his views are transphobic. He essentially doesn't accept the concept of gender at all.

But he is also actively trying to be kind and find compromise, and he doesn't spread misinformation or talk shit about trans people.

So no, I don't think he's transphobic.
Why do you continue to lie about my positions? Quote one place where I deny gender.

You have had to apologize to me twice publicly for lying about my positions. Don't you think you'd learn something from that and be a better actor?

Dang man. I think there might be something wrong with you.
Why do you continue to lie about my positions? Quote one place where I deny gender.
Well, you have repeatedly called trans women "men"
You have had to apologize to me twice publicly for lying about my positions. Don't you think you'd learn something from that and be a better actor?
I really don't bear you any ill will and I consider you a good person.
Dang man. I think there might be something wrong with you.
Oh, there is definitely something wrong with me. No one would accuse me of being a reasonable, well-adjusted, totally normal person.
So it turns out that Canada's new Prime Minister, Mark Carney, has a child (Sasha) who apparently identifies as non-binary.

The attacks on Mr. Carney and Sasha seem pretty disgusting overall. In fact, Sasha's writings seem overall quite sane and reveal quite mature introspection.

The only question that matters is whether Mr. Carney has a healthy relationship with his child. If he does, then he has succeeded as a father.

Well, you have repeatedly called trans women "men"

I really don't bear you any ill will and I consider you a good person.

Oh, there is definitely something wrong with me. No one would accuse me of being a well-adjusted totally normal person.
I find your inability to think outside of your own positioning to be crippling. You come across as educated, but you lack any of the qualities that a truly educated person has and you seem completely unwilling to understand another person's position or even state them correctly, or the ability to entertain them as a possibility in opposition to your own.

It's sad really because it's an emotional handicap that causes you not to think clearly. The fact that you are ultimately driven by emotion in your thinking is why you always end up thinking that other people are driven by emotion too. It's a projection on your part and a lack of intellectual rigor where you actually deal with a person's positions rather than castigating where they are coming from.

I never said I deny the phenomenon that is described as gender by certain scholars. I just think that their entire schema is ill thought out and is dependent on ridiculous and stupid stereotypes and false limitations that themselves fall apart under scrutiny. I think overall the way the schema is being presented to the public is limiting and damaging rather than helpful. Not only to trans people or gay people, but also to heterosexual people who I think by and large desperately need a more broad paradigm of expression within their sex and are harmed by it.

In particular, I find that defining a person based on their gender is deeply harmful. We should be looking for less labels but at the same time offering people more knowledge and range of potential traits and behaviors. We should see none of this as fixed, but instead see all of this as casting lines out for truth in the ultimate discovery process of who and what we really are.... Accepting and applying labels by people that are barely conscious and have done almost no inner work at all is harmful to the process of self-discovery as anyone who's done any work on that level can a test to.

I think this limitation harms marriages most especially because it gets at the very nature of what men and women are allowed to be in our culture and gets to the expectations that each gender has of the other and the pressures and unnecessary limitations that produces in a person when they have to stifle who they are in order to be accepted in the current paradigm. It turns people into pretend actors instead of authentic human beings.

The notion that there is a range of behavior allowable for men and women is completely acceptable to me. How to describe that? What language to use? What the best framework is for navigating the phenomenon is what is up for dispute in my mind.

Ultimately, we are not talking about trans and gender. We're talking about what it means to be human, what it means to be male and what it means to be female. And I do not think that the current paradigm is thinking very deeply about this at all and is using childish stereotypes in its definitions and diagnostics. It all seems very amateurish to me.

I alluded to all of this in short form, but apparently you didn't listen or read it before you replied.

This is what I mean about the discourse in the states on this topic... It's pathetic. You can get more thoughtful discourse from blue collar workers in Europe than you can from educated people in the states. When I started looking into this phenomenon three or so years ago, mainly because of sherdog threads posted about it. I didn't find a lot of helpful discourse from the states, but I found all kinds of podcasts and especially panels with scholars on them from varying perspectives from Europe. And it's not that I found a monolith of agreement, but at least I found healthy intellectual discourse.
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The right wing obsession is real. 56 pages and counting. Look at the proud boy phobes who haven't stopped posting for days in this thread. OP and his war room ilk spend hours of their day reviewing before and after photos of trans people. It's the ultimate circle jerk over something they apparently want no part of. Don't forget to hydrate, fellas.
The right wing obsession is real. 56 pages and counting. Look at the proud boy phobes who haven't stopped posting for days in this thread. OP and his war room ilk spend hours of their day reviewing before and after photos of trans people. It's the ultimate circle jerk over something they apparently want no part of. Don't forget to hydrate, fellas.
I take partial blame (or credit?) for this. I have been directly challenging them and saying things that trigger the shit out of them.
Yes, an Asian man who pretended to be a woman worked at a restaurant where I worked and I started giving him a ride home and we were kissing in the car a few times although I never got further than that because he would not let me....

I had to be informed by his friend that I was actually giving a ride home to a man. Obviously that person quit working after that and never showed their face again.
This post made my day.

So it turns out that Canada's new Prime Minister, Mark Carney, has a child (Sasha) who apparently identifies as non-binary.

The attacks on Mr. Carney and Sasha seem pretty disgusting overall. In fact, Sasha's writings seem overall quite sane and reveal quite mature introspection.

The only question that matters is whether Mr. Carney has a healthy relationship with his child. If he does, then he has succeeded as a father.

Billboard Chris is an absolute piece of shit loser
You have tried to lie and pretend that I think trans people are more violent than the other population.
never said that. i played back your own words.
It's men invading women's spaces... and male pattern violence is a real thing and there's no evidence whatever to support that men who think of themselves as women are less violent than men who don't.
are testosterone levels associated with violence?
So the problem is men in women's restrooms. Men are the problem. Those men being trans changes nothing except that it gives men opportunity to be in a women's space.
this is your OPINION. and you know most trans women are not looking for "an opportunity". they are looking for a toilet. criminals look for an opportunity.
The whole issue of trans people in women's bathrooms really comes down to men having problems with violence against other men and men dumping that problem onto women in women's restrooms.
that's nonsense. i don't even know what it means.