Nowhere in your linked metastudy did they say they took out "bad studies."
In fact YOUR LINK, specifically says they included ALL the studies. AND they specifically said the
majority of the studies were poor to fair.
"This tool ranks each article as “good,” “fair,” or “poor,” and with this, we categorized each article into “low risk,” “moderate risk,” or “high risk” of bias, respectively."
"Quality Assessment
Based on the NIH quality assessment tool,
the majority of article ranged between “poor” and “fair” categories.<a href="">24</a> (
See Supplemental Digital Content 2, which displays the score of each reviewed study."
This is only talking specifically about mastectomies. That is not relevant because we have to include hormones and genital surgery.
This is for adults. Irrelevant.
AGAIN, the problem with most of these studies is that the FOLLOW UP is TOO SHORT and they're talking about adults.
We have to isolate any "regret studies" to when they
TRANS KIDS and take out any adult studies.
In short, we need LONG TERM STUDIES on when they trans kids. No one has a problem with adults transitioning. They're adults, they can do whatever they want.
No one has a problem with adults transitioning.
Low Regret rates for adults is completely irrelevant to the debate we're having in society - which is about KIDS doing this shit.
1. It doesn't matter if it's rare or not. It's still wrong. And if it is so rare, why do you care if it's banned?
2. We're not only talking about surgery. We're also talking about giving cross sex hormones which obviously leads to a whole bunch of physical changes such as infertility, loss of sexual function and all the other permanent changes.
Irrelevant. Because again we're not only talking about surgery. We're talking about hormones and surgeries. The vast majority of the time, they go hand in hand.
Barely any JUST do surgery and not take hormones.
You just said they're not transing kids in real life and in the next sentence defend transing kids as life saving.