Gaining Weight...


White Belt
Oct 7, 2005
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Hey guys,

I am 17 years old, 130 lbs. I lift everyday, usually upperbody one day, lowerbody the other. One problem is I put on no weight what so ever. I did a search through this forum for various ways to put on weight. Alot of what I read recommended getting protein shakes? Is there anyway I can bulk up instead of getting supplements. I don't currently have access to them so eating would be my best bet for gaining some pounds. I work at a grocery store so have access to alot of foods. Can any of you guys give me an idea of what I should be doing to put on some pounds without taking any supplements. Any foods I should be eating and any patterns I should be following?

Any help would be great!
1, quit lifting every day.
Second try 6-10 reps with 3 to 4 sets.

And at least one rest day between sessions.

And yea eat well.

Worked fine for me.
2, start eating more.

3... well just.... here: and get fat. I mean, really eat a lot. Buy a fucking watch with a countdown timer and set it to go off every 2 hours and whenever it goes off eat until you're stuffed. Before you go to bed, eat a pint of cottage cheese (whole fat). and get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Corned beef hash makes a handy breakfast. the bottom line is eat more.
there aren't supplements in grocery stores?.. i think supplements would easier.. plus u need a good multi-vitamin :D
Thanks for the info so far guys!

FCFighter316 I'll take a look at those two supplement sites you gave me. Hopefully I can find something and somehow get my parents to order it (one big problem as I can only personally order things VIA money order) Would any of you guys happen to know of any sites that accept money orders or a payment besides credit cards?

I'd say a powder would probably be good for me because I'll have a tough time eating whole meals every two hours.

supersudo "there aren't supplements in grocery stores?" The store I work at does not carry anything good. In our "health section" we have a few different types of bars. Then they have tubs and shakes of slimfast...

Anyways, as of tomorrow I will start eating every 2 hrs. I'll keep you guys posted!
This is off topic sorry but, does that gold bond really work? If so it could be a life saver. Thanks.
Went shopping tonight and found a 600g tub of protein and energy food supplement.

Nutrition Information

Per 100g
Energy-379 Cal, 1590 kJ
Protein-21 g
Fat-1.5 g
Carbohydrates/Glucides-71 g
Sodium-458 mg
Potassium-738 mg

% recommended daily intake
Vit A-51 %
Vit C-77 %
Thiamine-123 %
Niacin-61 %

Per serving of 89 g (1/2 cup)+ 454 mL (16 fl oz) whole milk
Energy-624 Cal, 2610 kJ
Protein-34 g
Fat-17 g
Carbohydrates/Glucides-85 g
Sodium-637 mg
Potassium-1369 mg

% of recommended daily intake
Vit A-57%
Vit B-75%

Do you guys think this will help me gain. Also is there any certain times I should be taking this?
listen to urban, stop lifting everyday. try two major muscle groups a day and only once a week.

my regimend is something like this.

only one group a day, taking a break between workouts.

if you want to bulk up, I would recommend a small number of reps (try to keep your weight to a point where you can only do 4 or 5 reps at most) and do about 4 sets. if you did a bench press, go into doing triceps -- your chest can rest while you are doing pulldowns. (I do about 180 bench pressing like this)

Your body will be very sore the first week or so with this regimend. When you find that it stops getting sore, the next week, do light weights. (Whereas I was doing 180lbs before benching, I will step it down to 95) And do a lot of reps. I like to push myself, so I end up doing about 8-10 sets of 12. Same with the other muscle group, go for endurance, switching up your workout ensures your muscles don't get used to the exercises you do and maximize impact on your muscles (that's how muscles grow, microtears which get healed over). Another important thing to remember is not to go TOO heavy, proper form is much much better than lifting that extra 10 lbs.

As far as diet, Tuna, salmon, and broccoli should be staples. Not saying you should eat them 3 times a day everyday, but try to work them into your diet as much as you can.

The only supplements I take are multivitamins, and Muscle Milk. I swear by Muscle Milk, as I've seen the most growth during the time I have been taking it than not. I also take anti oxidants (alpha lipoic acid).

Most other supplements, I believe are useless, but that may be because I haven't really tried too many of them. But any lab study will tell you, getting proteins and nutrients in the FOOD form is much much better than getting it in an artificial or pill form.
Eat more. You don't need that much extra protein, but you do need more, but you don't need to over due it. Eat a lot of fat. Put coconut milk in your protein drinks. Eat a meal in the middle of the night too.
i keep hearing alot about this "muscle milk"

does gnc carry this?

im about to go shopping soon, and im doing as much research as possible beforehand

im trying to gain 15 lbs...i got my diet somewhat in order...but now i need some weight gaining shit to help me along the way
whitetrunks said:
Hey guys,

I am 17 years old, 130 lbs. I lift everyday, usually upperbody one day, lowerbody the other. One problem is I put on no weight what so ever. I did a search through this forum for various ways to put on weight. Alot of what I read recommended getting protein shakes? Is there anyway I can bulk up instead of getting supplements. I don't currently have access to them so eating would be my best bet for gaining some pounds. I work at a grocery store so have access to alot of foods. Can any of you guys give me an idea of what I should be doing to put on some pounds without taking any supplements. Any foods I should be eating and any patterns I should be following?

Any help would be great!

In short YES, you CAN bulk up without wasting your money on supplements, forget about them for now your DIET and HEAVY LIFTING is far more important, focus on a good lifting routine and eating alot of protien, carbs and fat. If you lift heavy and eat/drink alot of cottage cheese, red meat, milk, bread, potatoes, water, fruit and veg and if you dont care about getting fat: burgers, pizza, junkfood etc you will get bigger without a doubt.
Yeah, go to the store and buy some corned beef hash (located next to the spam normally). Put it in a pan and fry it up.

in all honesty, if you want to start from scratch I do have a recipe, but you're still gonna have to have corned beef (available next to the corned beef has, next to the spam).
1 tablespoon olive oil
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion, diced
1 large potato, diced
1 (12 ounce) can corned beef
salt and pepper to taste

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic, and cook until fragrant. Stir in the potatoes, and cook for 7 to 10 minutes until potatoes are softened. Add the corned beef, and flake into pieces. Cook for another 10 minutes, stirring frequently.

But typically I just go with the canned variety.
I have yet to post a routine in the "Strength and Power Forum" but I'll be sure to do it. BTW over the past week I am up 4 lbs.
FCFighter316 said:
what the hell, 4 solid pounds of muscle? did u not take a piss or poop or something. 3 was the highest i got

lol student outdoes the teacher lol jk
whitetrunks said:
I have yet to post a routine in the "Strength and Power Forum" but I'll be sure to do it. BTW over the past week I am up 4 lbs.

That's awesome. What have you changed? I have found that the initial weight gain is not too hard but after a while things slow down and I have found it harder to add more weight. Need more food!!!! GRRRRRR. :mad:
I think you're not putting on any weight because you're overtraining. When you train too much, it stunts gains/growth. Take 2 wks off, then go on a 3 or 4 days/wk routine (just my opinion).
HP_Nut said:
I think you're not putting on any weight because you're overtraining. When you train too much, it stunts gains/growth. Take 2 wks off, then go on a 3 or 4 days/wk routine (just my opinion).

If that was directed at me....I really doubt I'm overtraining. I hit all of the major muscle groups once per week and actually need to increase my exercises as well as mix it up a bit. I got to set in doing a regular routine and think at least it has stunted my increases in strength. Time will tell though.
Newcastle said:
If that was directed at me....I really doubt I'm overtraining. I hit all of the major muscle groups once per week and actually need to increase my exercises as well as mix it up a bit. I got to set in doing a regular routine and think at least it has stunted my increases in strength. Time will tell though.

Sorry, I should've been clear. I was responding to the thread starter.

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