Frustrated Joe Rogan trying to explain HGH to two idiots

It’s funny, in the 90s I always thought of Rogan as the poor mans joey tribiani, but with the ufc and his podcast blowing up joes done quite well for himself

I wonder what his relationship with Andy dick is like these days, I keep forgetting they were on news radio together with Phil Hartman
Rogan played himself with the TRT, HGH and steroids

He used to look basically like a male model. He would have totally fine as a wrinklier and less muscular version of that in his old age. Instead he niw looks like a cro-magnon with a fat head and a fat body. Lol @ trying to evangelize people into that shit



In all fairness tough he would have gone bald no matter what, I think. Or is it all this gear that made him bald?