Frustrated Joe Rogan trying to explain HGH to two idiots


Brown Belt
May 27, 2002
Reaction score

At 24:15 he says that he takes HGH and Testosterone cream and tries to explain why.....and the two annoying comedians keep trying to derail the discussion with fratboy type jokes and constant laughing.

Joe Rogan says "This is the weirdest podcast I've ever been on " and "Ok let's get back to this growth hormone thing"

Did Rogan ever explain when he started HGH? And why he stopped?

And when he switched from TRT cream to injectable TRT? He sings its praises here but in 2017 he said the cream wasn't very effective...I guess it was just placebo for him and only the HGH was giving him more energy.
He better take that shit for the rest of his life because who knows what's gonna happen when he stops. Your body is smarter than you are and is going to adapt relatively to the shit you put in it. Similar to bitch tits and little balls after coming off roids.
Joe mistakenly assumes everyone is as self obsessed as he is. I think it's hilarious seeing him get frustrated with these two beavis and butthead mofos though <Lmaoo>
Has two comedians on but complains when they start cracking jokes
I missed the part where he starts getting frustrated. Probably cuz he didn't actually.
I've literally never once laughed at a Joe Rogan joke. Hard to believe he thinks of "comedian" as his primary occupation.

Have you literally ever laughed twice at a Joe Rogan Joke?
He looks like my fucking African Giant Pixie Frog.
How is Andy Dick still alive? He does more coke than Rogan and Goldberg combined.
Rogan seems to be a healthy, fairly young guy.
Unless he has abnormally low T levels, there would be no 'legal, ethical' reason for him to
take HGH or TRT.
But, yea if he's taking it now it will be for the rest of his life because his body will stop producing it naturally.
sorry, didn't watch the vid, I hate Dick.
I'm hetero.
Get your levels checked bro

By the bro’s trying to sell you levelers

Enjoy those nasrat nips
Rogan played himself with the TRT, HGH and steroids

He used to look basically like a male model. He would have totally fine as a wrinklier and less muscular version of that in his old age. Instead he niw looks like a cro-magnon with a fat head and a fat body. Lol @ trying to evangelize people into that shit

