Elections Fox News already making excuses for a Trump debate loss

y'all should maybe tone down the definition of "wrecking trump!" to not include mass mail in ballots and election rigging, cause i don't see how peter beats trump on any of the issues. you can keep your j6 happy meals to yourselves as well.
Or you can vote for the guy wearing diapers who drags his right foot every time he walks now.
Trump has been doing it so often now, I had to look up what are causes for the foot drag.
At best it is nerve damage, at worst he had a stroke.

Unbelievable in 2024 The USA, has two guys running for President who were born in the 1940's. I would not be surprised if either one or both of them had a medical emergency prior to November.

it couldn't be the million other things that make old people walk funny, it just HAS to be a brain damage related ailment that the guy you're dying to vote for has <lmao>
Sure, pal. Whatever you need to keep telling yourself.
Is there anything I said that you think was questionable?
Fair enough. It isn't all doom and gloom, I can agree with that. Though there is clearly a disconnect between the numbers and how many folks are doing in their lives. Unless we think they are all somehow lying about the costs of everything skyrocketing, and them having hard times trying to make it compared to pre-covid days because of it. It is not just conservatives having these issues. We see folks of all sorts having the same grievances. Like it or not, most will place the blame on the man at the head of this ship.
Costs are up and wages and wealth are up more. When it comes to asking people, rather than collecting data, note that most people rate their personal situation as good and their local economies as good. So the disconnection isn't between people's experiences and the data; it's between their understanding as formed through the media they consume on the one hand and their experiences plus the data on the other.

But that's secondary to the point I was making. The reason these guys come off as partisan is that their "analysis" involves shifting the metrics they use in order to reach a pre-determined, partisan conclusion. If you were saying the economy was bad in 2019 and at all other times in American history and you still think it's bad, OK. I think you're not really saying anything meaningful, but it's a take. But if you were saying it was good in 2019 and bad now, that's highly suspect. If you were saying inflation numbers were real during the brief period when they were skyrocketing, you should still think they're real now that they're falling. And so on. There's a difference between people who are thinking and looking at data and just reaching different conclusions and people who just say whatever they think benefits their party.
Though Biden has certainly demonstrated time and time again that he is out of it. Sure, he has his good days, but let's be real... He is lost a lot of the time, and just on auto-pilot.
And that kind of thing is just not serious political analysis or honest. I think there are always real debates to be had about policy, but I get that that's too much work for many people. But just "durr, the Other Party nominee is a poopyhead" is a way to avoid thinking.
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it couldn't be the million other things that make old people walk funny, it just HAS to be a brain damage related ailment that the guy you're dying to vote for has <lmao>
Maybe Trump was bit by a shark which is why he is always dragging his right foot now. That explains why Trump brings up sharks in every one of his rallies lately. Every time he walks it reminds him of that fateful day.
Sure, pal. Whatever you need to keep telling yourself.
Strange how that coward refuses to ignore you like he does everyone else that dunks on him, nuts in the face
Is there anything I said that you think was questionable?

Costs are up and wages and wealth are up more. When it comes to asking people, rather than collecting data, note that most people rate their personal situation as good and their local economies as good. So the disconnection is between people's experiences and the data; it's between their understanding as formed through the media they consume on the one hand and their experiences plus the data on the other.

But that's secondary to the point I was making. The reason these guys come off as partisan is that their "analysis" involves shifting the metrics they use in order to reach a pre-determined, partisan conclusion. If you were saying the economy was bad in 2019 and at all other times in American history and you still think it's bad, OK. I think you're not really saying anything meaningful, but it's a take. But if you were saying it was good in 2019 and bad now, that's highly suspect. If you were saying inflation numbers were real during the brief period when they were skyrocketing, you should still think they're real now that they're falling. And so on. There's a difference between people who are thinking and looking at data and just reaching different conclusions and people who just say whatever they think benefits their party.

And that kind of thing is just not serious political analysis or honest. I think there are always real debates to be had about policy, but I get that that's too much work for many people. But just "durr, the Other Party nominee is a poopyhead" is a way to avoid thinking

Ok. Biden is in great shape. Totally all there. Doesn’t stumble, fumble, ramble, or anything.

Trump is a respectful and law-abiding citizen too.
Ok. Biden is in great shape. Totally all there. Doesn’t stumble, fumble, ramble, or anything.

Trump is a respectful and law-abiding citizen too.
Is your view that "never stumbles over a word" and "has literal dementia" are the only two possibilities? Nothing in between?

This is what I mean. Don't let partisanship ruin your brain.
Or you can vote for the guy wearing diapers who drags his right foot every time he walks now.
Trump has been doing it so often now, I had to look up what are causes for the foot drag.
At best it is nerve damage, at worst he had a stroke.

Unbelievable in 2024 The USA, has two guys running for President who were born in the 1940's. I would not be surprised if either one or both of them had a medical emergency prior to November.


looks like someone needs a nappy change.
Was it the cheating on all his wives, paying off a porn actress in order to win the election or the 34 felony convictions that made you say "that's my guy"?

probably the time where he sexually assaulted a woman inside of a department store that secured their vote. but cheating on all of his wives and then telling a whore from the gangbang videos that she reminded him of his daughter right before he fucked her was probably what locked it in.

the party of christian and family values are all about that shit. they also like to call themselves the party of personal accountability, and the party of law and order, but only when it's convenient for them and black people are getting murdered by white cops and shit, or they are trying to lock up their political opponents for crimes that they haven't been able to prove or even produce any evidence of.
probably the time where he sexually assaulted a woman inside of a department store that secured their vote. but cheating on all of his wives and then telling a whore from the gangbang videos that she reminded him of his daughter right before he fucked her was probably what locked it in.

the party of christian and family values are all about that shit. they also like to call themselves the party of law and order, and the party of personal accountability, but only when it's convenient for them and black people are getting murdered by white cops and shit.
"There goes my hero...."
"There goes my hero...."

"i was going to vote for my beloved fraudster & rapist in 2024 but now i can't because i went to war for the molester-in-chief at the capitol and fought patriotically and honorably for his cause, and now i'm in prison tossing the salad and getting my cheeks clapped for honeybuns, but i still love the guy, even though he pardoned the guy who stole my build-the-wall money instead of any of us. and besides, being a convicted felon and all, now the two of us have something in common which we can relate. law & order baby. felon's for trump! "
Forgive me for wanting a president who doesn’t have to wear special sneakers so he doesn’t fall

You just want the President who refuses to read briefings because he gets bored, that his handlers have expressed dismay how they must create simple notes and lots of pictures just to keep his attention.

We are literally living in the movie idiocracy

His own cabinet said he’s not fit for presidency
No....it was my life was better off under that guy and on the international level I feel he was a better candidate.. I could care less about those 34 "convictions" in fact its those "convictions" thats actually going to make me go to the polls. I usually don't vote that much but this time I have to.

Do you think your life would have been better off if Biden lost in 2020 and Trump won instead?

Do you think we would have less inflation?

This is a key point here and really will let everyone know how full of shit your opinions are
Its an actual fact and yet you're calling someone a "Snowflake" for stating a fact.....laughing. Now go light you're Rosary Candle of St. Fentanyl Floyd and stay a pawn to your party.
All lies baby cakes. I have a Saint Lucas candle for you snowflake.
You just want the President who refuses to read briefings because he gets bored, that his handlers have expressed dismay how they must create simple notes and lots of pictures just to keep his attention.

We are literally living in the movie idiocracy

His own cabinet said he’s not fit for presidency
I don’t want that person. Looks like that idiot liked your post too.
Fair enough. It isn't all doom and gloom, I can agree with that. Though there is clearly a disconnect between the numbers and how many folks are doing in their lives. Unless we think they are all somehow lying about the costs of everything skyrocketing, and them having hard times trying to make it compared to pre-covid days because of it. It is not just conservatives having these issues. We see folks of all sorts having the same grievances. Like it or not, most will place the blame on the man at the head of this ship.

Though Biden has certainly demonstrated time and time again that he is out of it. Sure, he has his good days, but let's be real... He is lost a lot of the time, and just on auto-pilot.

But again, covid caused a lot of this inflation.

Covid started under Trump. The fed had record low interest rates for an entire year under trump with pushed inflation sky high.

This is what dumb asses don’t understand like yourself.

Heres your master talking about rates

Is your view that "never stumbles over a word" and "has literal dementia" are the only two possibilities? Nothing in between?

This is what I mean. Don't let partisanship ruin your brain.

He's got a very special type of dementia, which can be totally reversed with drugs when it suits them.

Republicans are obviously very against him receiving medication for his dementia because they put partisanship above the country (also they've had a hard-on for demented Presidents since Reagan.)
But again, covid caused a lot of this inflation.

Covid started under Trump. The fed had record low interest rates for an entire year under trump with pushed inflation sky high.

This is what dumb asses don’t understand like yourself.

Heres your master talking about rates

Not a Trump fan. Never was. Thanks for playing though