Former UFC fighter is now a demon slayer!

I was expecting a former fighter cosplaying some Kimetsu No Yaiba character lol

his cardio was fine he was 40 when he got into the ufc.
I used to watch him on ESPN long before mma. His cardio was more than ok.l
Ive heard an exorcism with a strong spirit can last several days, dont know if his cardio will hold up.
I'm not surprised - someone mentioned something about his youtube or instagram a little while ago, I checked it out, and it's all him playing with guns and knives and ranting about indoctrination in Disney movies.
i thought this was going to be about Tim Kennedy hunting down Hitler's ghost or something
Damn Cung is becoming a Vietnamese uncle now.
That isn't him now. He deflated a lot now. That pic you posted is when he did Kung Fu movies. It's almost a decade ago.
He dont need to be jacked to exorcise demons, his mother in law is a rickson level 400-0 in exorcisms