Crime Former Detective Arrested For Staging Suicide of Woman He Groomed

The cop(s) just wanted to get home safe to their families. If he's in jail, how can he go home safe!?
And to think there are people who oppose the death penalty.
This is actually a good example for when death would be easier. His life is going to suck so bad in prison.
- Because several innocent people were killed!
Not a perfect system, and it’s a terrible sacrifice for those who actually weren’t guilty, but If they were accused of something bad enough to get the death penalty, the alternative would’ve been life in prison, which isn’t much better… one could argue a quick death is sometimes more merciful.

Of course, the argument is going to be that while they’re serving their sentence they could be proven innocent and eventually released. Still, I believe that the percentage of those cases is so low compared to the actual amount of scumbags you could eliminate and the trade off is well worth it… hell I would seriously consider giving my own life if it would mean that a thousand or even a hundred of the worst humans on earth would be exterminated in exchange.
Not a perfect system, and it’s a terrible sacrifice for those who actually weren’t guilty, but If they were accused of something bad enough to get the death penalty, the alternative would’ve been life in prison, which isn’t much better… one could argue a quick death is sometimes more merciful.

Of course, the argument is going to be that while they’re serving their sentence they could be proven innocent and eventually released. Still, I believe that the percentage of those cases is so low compared to the actual amount of scumbags you could eliminate and the trade off is well worth it… hell I would seriously consider giving my own life if it would mean that a thousand or even a hundred of the worst humans on earth would be exterminated in exchange.
- I aint against death penalty. Just pointed one reason. Japan does have it, and rarelly uses.