Crime FBI report reveals what most active shooter situations have in common

You don’t watch the news after every major shooting? It’s not sherdoggers, it’s Democrat politicians preaching this BS…
No, I never watch the news... ever. So like I said, I'm not denying the left things to to their political agenda. But so does the right and that's what I'm trying to discuss. Is that maybe we should all just stop lying about things for political ends.

It seems like discussions on this site are completely based on fighting against the other side's political agenda with their own political agenda and I think it just obfuscates the issues and makes dishonesty the main approach.
I'm going to assume you don't want to have a decent discussion since you're asking questions that are answered in the very parts you quote and are not addressing what I'm speaking about directly.

Dude I'll admit . . . I have no idea what you're trying to say. We're definitely not on the same page.
Sure, and that’s sort of my point.

Q: “why are there so many shootings in America?”

A: because we have a ton of guns and it’s not hard to obtain one.

And I think our point is that the availability and ease of obtaining a gun haven't changed. If anything, the laws passed over the last 30 years have made it harder for many.

Yeah, it's definitely the Prozac causing folks to go on kill crazy rampages.

Can't be the underlying mental illness(es) and/or personality disorders, has to be the medications themselves. <lmao>

I've been on a bunch of SSRI's and they never made me want to shoot people. Zoloft made me too fat and lazy to shoot while Prozac made me too tired.
Laws don't stop crime. Murder has been illegal for 100s (1000s of years) but it still happens every single day.

Guns exist in the millions and millions. The genie is out of the bottle. If people want them, people will get them. As noted, California has some of the strictist gun control in the country and it has the most gun crime.

I really believe it's ultimately a cultural issue and mental health problem. There are other countries that have tons of guns and don't have the amount of crime we do in the states. Another factor is most of the gun violence is gangs, organized crime and people taking their own lives. Guns and gangs go hand and hand. And we've seen in the UK, if they don't have access to guns, they just go to knives and machetes. If you want to put a strong dent into the numbers, you go extremely hard on gang and organized crime and you have more mental help resources.
*they’re. (Since you’re questioning someone’s education it seemed fitting to help you with yours)
You have to go correct someone's grammar because "You're" completely uneducated on the subject your trying to discuss...laughing
Sure, and that’s sort of my point.

Q: “why are there so many shootings in America?”

A: because we have a ton of guns and it’s not hard to obtain one.
If you minus the shootings in America committed with stolen handguns by Urban Gentleman in Urban areas we wouldn't even reach into the top 20 of countries for shootings. Its not a gun problem but 100 percent a culture problem that people are to chicken shit to address.
Laws don't stop crime. Murder has been illegal for 100s (1000s of years) but it still happens every single day.

Guns exist in the millions and millions. The genie is out of the bottle. If people want them, people will get them. As noted, California has some of the strictist gun control in the country and it has the most gun crime.

I really believe it's ultimately a cultural issue and mental health problem. There are other countries that have tons of guns and don't have the amount of crime we do in the states. Another factor is most of the gun violence is gangs, organized crime and people taking their own lives. Guns and gangs go hand and hand. And we've seen in the UK, if they don't have access to guns, they just go to knives and machetes. If you want to put a strong dent into the numbers, you go extremely hard on gang and organized crime and you have more mental help resources.
You know what's funny...These same Muppets that say If we could just get rid of all the guns and it stopped one murder it would be worth it....Yet they have no problem with mass illegal immigration...Laughing
You have to go correct someone's grammar because "You're" completely uneducated on the subject your trying to discuss...laughing
*you’re trying to discuss
If you minus the shootings in America committed with stolen handguns by Urban Gentleman in Urban areas we wouldn't even reach into the top 20 of countries for shootings. It’s not a gun problem but 100 percent a culture problem that people are to chicken shit to address.
Gun deaths are gun deaths regardless of who is holding the weapon and how it was acquired.

We have so many gun deaths bc we have so many guns and guns are easy to acquire
Hey newbie . . . don't jump in here and try to chastise me for something you just now decided to comment on.

If you bothered to read anything I've posted in this thread, or heck . . . even the content of the post you quoted you'd understand your hot take has been addressed.

Wipe your pussy off boy
Well that's the thing on this site it's always the right trying to equate the two and I've just never understood the motivation. I thought maybe it's racism, but now I'm finding out from other right leaning posters that it's a political fight that's happening on the left and the right where each group wants to group them together for different reasons or separately for differing political reasons.

But I'm just coming at it from a basic human being looking at life and saying hey, these two kinds of shootings are very very different and you couldn't possibly learn one thing from a statistic that did not delineate between the two accurately

In fact, I think we even need new definitions because officially a gang shooting does qualify as a mass shooting, but nobody on earth uses mass shooting to talk about gang shootings. People when they talk about mass shootings are talking about random psychos going in and shooting up completely uninvolved innocent people and we need accurate and clear language to discuss this.

You are wrong about the mass shootings. The def is 4 or more people shot at one time. Due to that definition, most mass shootings are gangs or two groups that fight and end up shooting at the other side, hitting innocent bystanders.

Like singular murders perpetrated by minorities, these are very rarely commented on by either side for different reasons. The right doesn’t want to call attention to more deaths by guns and the left doesn’t want to call more attention to minorities committing so many shootings. Either reason is wrong, but imo, the left ignoring inner city violence because it makes a group look bad in order to pander to that group is dangerous.
You are wrong about the mass shootings. The def is 4 or more people shot at one time. Due to that definition, most mass shootings are gangs or two groups that fight and end up shooting at the other side, hitting innocent bystanders.

Like singular murders perpetrated by minorities, these are very rarely commented on by either side for different reasons. The right doesn’t want to call attention to more deaths by guns and the left doesn’t want to call more attention to minorities committing so many shootings. Either reason is wrong, but imo, the left ignoring inner city violence because it makes a group look bad in order to pander to that group is dangerous.

I agree with everything here except that I'm not wrong because I have already stated what the actual definition is but what I'm saying is that the definition we are using opbfuscates the facts and only confuses people and we need to come up with better language for it in order to discuss the phenomenon accurately. Or we could just all be honest and delineate and distinguish between the two kinds of shootings and not try to lump them together to win points.

Classifying gang violence statistically alongside of mass shootings according to the common parlance usage of that term makes an idiot out of everybody and keeps anybody from seeing what's really being discussed. Accurate distinctions really matter.

I hear right-wingers use it all the time here to pretend that the left people are not wanting to discuss mass shootings. But the fact is we're discussing very very different phenomenon and all that kind of talking point does is confuse the issue.

And I'm being told the left does the same thing in a different way when trying to advocate for gun control.

I think we would delineate between those two very different kinds of shootings every single time we ever discussed anything to do with this topic if either side was trying to be honest and not just push forth a certain agenda.

The metacriss and the meaning crisis are a big part of why this distinction really matters because this new kind of random baseless killing of completely uninvolved individuals is a symptom of the growing meaning crisis. Whereas gang, violence and certain bad actors have always existed in nearly every culture.
Interesting read.

49 total shooters (who used mostly handguns) were responsible. All but one were male.

Why have these types of shootings become so common? The firearms commonly used have more or less been available for decades. Are we more depressed today than 35 years ago?
They've all been rampant nihilists who view humanity as a cancer. Which is what we teach in our education systems.
You can lie all you want man. That's your prerogative and it seems to be what you do most of any.
You claimed that GVA and MST are "the right." The onus is on you to prove it.

You claimed that GVA and MST are "the right." The onus is on you to prove it.

No you're just so completely stupid that you have no reading comprehension. I responded specifically to one person's post and you got it wrong and like a dog licking at its own ass you can't stop.