International Factual Information & Analysis of the Russo-Ukrainian War

It's nice to see Russia is winning this war. We have destroyed Ukraine 🇺🇦
I am Russian, but nothing about Ukraine being destroyed brings me joy.
I am deeply saddened by this proxy war being fought. Incompetence of our foreign policies and ill will of the West made Russia and Ukraine enemies while we should be best friends. Yes we have a very long conflict with Western Ukraine but it does not account for the whole country.
By knowing how restrictive Russia was for ex convicts to have certain jobs, not alone weapons(!) it was surprise for me when I had read up that wsgber is hiring prisoners...Big surprise. And during some week I get from pro russian sources that really prisoners are hired for special military operation.
With criminal record even for job as cleaner in police station etc was almost impossible to get hired...Russia was very strict.
Now I had to get that even directly from prison you might get to use mortar, assault rifle, grenades etc....
Wagner disposed of the most convicts they hired. From what I know most of PMC's losses in Bakhmut were convicts.
i just want the pot hole fixed on my road man....

Wagner disposed of the most convicts they hired. From what I know most of PMC's losses in Bakhmut were convicts.
There had been released guys too and disappeared in grab zone too...

I don't believe nor Ukr nor Rus reports about enemies casualities at all. I had posted this in 2022 th...
Especially because Russia had reported unbelievable numbers ( more than stuff had been ever produced ) etc destroyed via their propaganda or just money hungry parasites seeking for attention cos money....
And Ukraine like their counting about died and injured soldiers from Russia. You really are happy to volunteer in areas where from 100 yards till 3 miles is death zone in order to find all meat or remainings? Not likely.
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Ok, show me where in the mainstream media he was discussed at length. And you ignored my other statement that he is dismissed here. As are Cohen et al. obviously.
who is Cohen?

Have you read any of Mearsheimer? He is a crackpot. He believes in structural realism which is the Austrian economics of political theories. Would like to know what points he makes that you find compelling?
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I am Russian, but nothing about Ukraine being destroyed brings me joy.
I am deeply saddened by this proxy war being fought. Incompetence of our foreign policies and ill will of the West made Russia and Ukraine enemies while we should be best friends. Yes we have a very long conflict with Western Ukraine but it does not account for the whole country.

Agreed. There are no winners, only those who lose less. The western world has a view of Russia that's shaped by generations of Cold War policies & propaganda from both sides, we don't see nor understand Russia for what it really is which is part of why we keep bumbling into various disputes. I think the same is true to some extent on the Russian side which is why we get confused messages from you guys and we can't figure out WTF you're really trying to tell us. Do you really mean it when you tell us to stop moving NATO eastwards or is it just more bluster? We cross "red lines" and nothing happens so WTF does it really mean? Instead of sitting down and actually figuring out where we each stand, it seems we've both assumed too many things based on past experiences & prejudices which has led us to where we are right now.
Back when the covid thread was booming he posted a couple of sources and I pointed out that they didn't actually say what he was claiming. He put me on his ignore list as a result. Seems to be on par with him creating his own "facts" thread here because people disagreed with him in the other thread.

He put me on ignore too for constantly shitting on his takes in the Russia thread. lmao
we? i thought you were a westerner who had been brainwashed by western media and now great people who totally aren't shills have changed your mind. Or did you stop pretending?
I will stop being a troll now. I'm staying in America. Russia is bad and needs to be removed from this planet
who is Cohen?

Have you read any of Mearsheimer? He is a crackpot. He believes in structural realism which is the Austrian economics of political theories. Would like to know what points he makes that you find compelling?

Cohen = Stephen Frand Cohen

Gotta keep it short, I’m on my phone. I haven’t read his books, and if he believes in something similar to Austrian economics, that certainly speaks against him. However, I rather watched his various presentations on the Russia-Ukraine matter and (1) tried to find criticism that refute what he said and (2) also corroborate the points he made. On (1) I did find criticism, but they often deliberately misrepresented what he said and went the ad-hominem route. On (2) I could verify many things he said, e.g. regarding the coup, the negotation between EU-Ukraine-Russia (there is a pretty good Reuters article on that from 2014 I believe and Janukowitsch was in a tough spot but played the EU and Russia well, however in the end it didn’t work), NATO expansion and promises verbally made to the Soviet Union(I guess this is well known by now)

As it is a 3 hour video and I watched it years ago the points under (2) are the ones I remember. Now what is important is that what Mearsheimer said is similar to what other people have said and it can be largely corroborated. I say largely as I have obviously not checked every sentence / point of his various presentations. So he may be wrong on some things.
Agreed. There are no winners, only those who lose less. The western world has a view of Russia that's shaped by generations of Cold War policies & propaganda from both sides, we don't see nor understand Russia for what it really is which is part of why we keep bumbling into various disputes. I think the same is true to some extent on the Russian side which is why we get confused messages from you guys and we can't figure out WTF you're really trying to tell us. Do you really mean it when you tell us to stop moving NATO eastwards or is it just more bluster? We cross "red lines" and nothing happens so WTF does it really mean? Instead of sitting down and actually figuring out where we each stand, it seems we've both assumed too many things based on past experiences & prejudices which has led us to where we are right now.
Russia is a belligerent mob state run by a much worse, Russian version of Tony Soprano lol
Agreed. There are no winners, only those who lose less. The western world has a view of Russia that's shaped by generations of Cold War policies & propaganda from both sides, we don't see nor understand Russia for what it really is which is part of why we keep bumbling into various disputes. I think the same is true to some extent on the Russian side which is why we get confused messages from you guys and we can't figure out WTF you're really trying to tell us. Do you really mean it when you tell us to stop moving NATO eastwards or is it just more bluster? We cross "red lines" and nothing happens so WTF does it really mean? Instead of sitting down and actually figuring out where we each stand, it seems we've both assumed too many things based on past experiences & prejudices which has led us to where we are right now.
The western world had a view that was shaped by trade and energy deals the Germans (amongst others) utterly comprimised themselves with their belief that a Russian state with a stake in the wider world would behave its self and we ignored a lot of shit prior to 2022 that really disproved that whole notion that they were interested in anything approaching normalcy because we so wanted it to be true . the Central and Eastern Europeans that warned us of our folly were rounded upon as paranoid Russiaphobes
NATO really ? the alliance was dying on its arse prior to this conflict there was zero chance of Ukraine being admitted , even if that was not the case Russia does not get to set the national policy of sovereign states .
I am Russian, but nothing about Ukraine being destroyed brings me joy.
I am deeply saddened by this proxy war being fought. Incompetence of our foreign policies and ill will of the West made Russia and Ukraine enemies while we should be best friends. Yes we have a very long conflict with Western Ukraine but it does not account for the whole country.

It's so funny when Russians act like they know anything about my country. As if their history books tell the truth and as if there wasn't 70 years of absolute censorship (which also returned in 2022). No country is perfect, but between the West, Ukraine, and Russia, it's only the latter that is doing its best to destroy the truth (including jailing, torturing, and murdering). You thinking we should be best friends after your country drops bombs on my people? That's some crazy delusion. We tried to forget and forgive Russia, even after all the atrocities that your country had committed in the past (such as Holodomor). We were wrong, and we won't make that mistake again. The West may have their reasons for getting involved, but this war is between my people and yours, and no amount of finger pointing at the West will stop angry Ukrainians from turning your country's soldiers into fertilizer. This is personal.

Btw, there are millions of Russians who know what's up. I used to live there, I have friends there, my wife is from there. They know the truth. After all, the Russian tsardom isn't just cruel to Ukrainians, but to their own people as well. But if you can't see the truth from within your own country, I welcome you to visit Ukraine. I'll take you to hospitals and homes and you can ask the people from East Ukraine about why we aren't best friends. Just make sure you have a non-Russian passport.
The western world had a view that was shaped by trade and energy deals the Germans (amongst others) utterly comprimised themselves with their belief that a Russian state with a stake in the wider world would behave its self and we ignored a lot of shit prior to 2022 that really disproved that whole notion that they were interested in anything approaching normalcy because we so wanted it to be true . the Central and Eastern Europeans that warned us of our folly were rounded upon as paranoid Russiaphobes
NATO really ? the alliance was dying on its arse prior to this conflict there was zero chance of Ukraine being admitted , even if that was not the case Russia does not get to set the national policy of sovereign states .

Exactly. From the war crimes in Chechnya, to the invasion of Georgia, to murdering a ton of journalists and opposition figures (Novaya Gazetta alone had 7 journalists murdered)... the West gave Russia so many passes. Who remembers George W Bush talking about looking in Putin's eyes and seeing a trustworthy person? Russia was absolutely accepted and respected by the West. But no, it wasn't enough. Ole Putin wants to rebuild the USSR, and he basically said as much when he talked about the breakup of the Soviet Union being the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. Heck, listening to Russian propagondonы, it's easy to see their hypocrisy if you understand the Russian language. Prior to 2014 they all talked about how Crimea is Ukraine, Ukraine is a legit country, etc. Now they're saying Ukraine was never a country. Right. Their excuses for starting the war keep changing, because all of the reasons they come up with are BS.
Just thought I'd bump this thread for the lulz.

Thoughts on Russia's horrible military performance so far this month @aerius ?

Really interested in your take.

It's a nice PR stunt to distract everyone from the collapse of the Donbas front. The Ukrainian attack is a brigade level raid without much logistics support behind it, they won't be able to hold the ground they've taken unless they bring in a lot more supplies & reinforcements.

When the Ukrainians themselves and their biggest cheerleaders are saying this, you done fucked up.
It's a nice PR stunt to distract everyone from the collapse of the Donbas front. The Ukrainian attack is a brigade level raid without much logistics support behind it, they won't be able to hold the ground they've taken unless they bring in a lot more supplies & reinforcements.

When the Ukrainians themselves and their biggest cheerleaders are saying this, you done fucked up.
Does seem to be going poorly. For Russia.