explosive power?


Purple Belt
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
hey im a newb to this forum. my question is im a new wrestler and i want to do wieghts but i want to focus on straight speed and explosive power, not so much just brut strenght and muscle mass(i want to stay in my wieght class) now how would i go about doing so? im really new to weight training and would love any tips on building explosive and powerfull muscle.
youre going to move up a weight class. accept it, read the stickies, and start lifting.
damn it your positive theres no way in lifting weights with out going up in weight?
What do you weigh? how old are you? The long and the short of it is, if you're new to lifting, increasing your peak strength on key compound movements with heavy lifting is your best bet.
well im 17 and 125 ive done weights alot in the summer, but havnt really once school started. also i was wondering mostly what kind of lifting if there is any that can help me be more explosive off the shoot because im a wrestler and want to focus my weights for that.
125? lbs? how tall are you? 4'5"? SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN A SANDWICH!

In answer to your question: heavy lifting will make you more explosive. Stick with compound movements like squats, deadlifts, rows, pullups, and overhead presses.
Urban said:
125? lbs? how tall are you? 4'5"? SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN A SANDWICH!

In answer to your question: heavy lifting will make you more explosive. Stick with compound movements like squats, deadlifts, rows, pullups, and overhead presses.
That literally had me laughing out loud.

Then it made me hungry for a sandwich.
Urban said:
125? lbs? how tall are you? 4'5"? SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN A SANDWICH!

In answer to your question: heavy lifting will make you more explosive. Stick with compound movements like squats, deadlifts, rows, pullups, and overhead presses.
lol, S&P is in rare form lately people...
If only CMart would return all would be well.
Did he announce a departure? My memory is very vague here.
Yeah, FCFighter316 bugged the hell out of him and I wouldn't ban FCF so he left.
Masatsu Oyama said power comes from repitition of technique. So get strong with basic compound lifts but maybe take a few days a week and drill ONE technique for two hours straight. I never saw as much progress in the explosion of my kicks as when i just threw roundkicks for 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I went from a kid who couldnt kick for shit to throwing pretty mean kicks. Now if i only had that time to train anymore...
thanks for the help guys, and for the person that asked im 5'8. i know im skinny but im owning my weight in wrestling and dont want to gain to much weight till after the season.
Don't lift until then.

Focus on your wrestling for now.
Urban said:
125? lbs? how tall are you? 4'5"? SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN A SANDWICH!

In answer to your question: heavy lifting will make you more explosive. Stick with compound movements like squats, deadlifts, rows, pullups, and overhead presses.


You ever think that maybe if you didn't keep yourself in such a malnourished state you'd have gotten taller than 5'8"?
Urban said:
125? lbs? how tall are you? 4'5"? SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN A SANDWICH!

In answer to your question: heavy lifting will make you more explosive. Stick with compound movements like squats, deadlifts, rows, pullups, and overhead presses.
first i respect your knoldege in the area of s&p but you are constinley telling people who are light to get a sandwich i fight at 125 pounds and dominate i would not be as good at a higher weight as is the case with maney people why shoud we try to put on weight and be less sucsesfull