Explosion in German Restaurant (Syrian Refugee Bomb Attack)

Sounds like a right-wing gas leak.
I hope the Polizei find the perp who did this.
The incredibly sad thing about this is that it's not getting much attention because of the low body count and would have gotten more had the attacker succeeded in getting into the concert and killing more people.

This is going to be forgotten tomorrow because the body count is probably going to be low.
This is all so tiny in comparison to what is coming
We can never pay enough in blood for what we did with the Crusades. Christianity really had a long history of this type of bloodshed. I'm sure the attacker was just a marginalized member of society and does not represent Muslims as a whole. Islam is a religion of peace. Please stop with this Islamophobia before Muslims are slaughtered in the next Holocaust. What we need at this time is a massive increase in immigrants from Muslim nations to prove that your Muslim neighbor next door is nothing to worry about. Please stop this western/Eurocentric bigotry.

i'm not sure if you're trolling but what you say may be true. i have a friend who basically predicted this entire shit storm right after the snowden leaks. he claimed that the masters (as he calls them) planned the leaks to guage public reaction. that would be followed up by mass migration of muslims into europe caused by ongoing turmoil in the middle east. then after years of terrorist attacks a police state would be established in response and the planet would go full blown nwo/1984. i laughed at him at the time and made a tin foil hat joke.

The laughing will end soon.

The people who lead this world aren't so stupid as to believe that immigrants, from an entirely different system of beliefs, would somehow mold into the main population without any trouble. Divide and conquer has been a strategy employed by leaders of men since the beginning of civilizations, to ease the process of ruling the people. All of these terrorist attacks, and racial tensions, were fully taken into account by the men who made up the laws and policies. With the amount of data we have nowadays, do we really think that the people in charge could not have predicted this? That they are too naive to understand the results of their actions?

These things were taken into account, and they were deemed as acceptable "losses" in comparison to the long-term "gains", states gaining more power and control over its citizens. Our leaders are trying to pull a "long con" over us, to make us lose more individual rights, and it is up to the people to realize what the hell is going over here. This is an engineered threat, nothing more.

Just ask yourself, are those grey, dead-eyed bureucrats truly naive, refugee-loving humanists or are they just a bunch of sharks striving for more power like every man before who has held a seat in the office?
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The funny thing is people always make jokes about the French flag being the plain white flag of surrender, but it's actually historically true. This was France's flag during the Bourbon restoration:

You folks really are clueless, aren't you? There will be little to no uprising or pushback against the muslim/immigrant/refugee communities. The state, media, and educational institutions have done an exemplary job at pacifying the European population. Many have accepted that this is simply a new way of life... an inconvenient side-effect of a diverse society.

Of course when the truly horrific coordinated attacks come, the state will step in and take the "necessary steps" to end the terror. The masses will literally be begging for mass surveillance, religious persecution, the purging of "radicals", etc.

Everything up to this point has been calculated. The New Beginning is inevitable.

I wonder if this is true. I've always shaken my head in disbelief that so many Americans are willing to accept all the gun homicides as the new normal. Maybe Europe now has that problem as well.
I wonder if this is true. I've always shaken my head in disbelief that so many Americans are willing to accept all the gun homicides as the new normal. Maybe Europe now has that problem as well.

You're going to wish you had guns when the problem comes to American shores.
Said it many times already, Trump needs to win.
explosive device detonated in bar.



One person has been killed and another 11 injured in an explosion at a cafe in the Bavarian city of Ansbach. In a statement police said they believed the fatality to be the bomber.

The explosion occured shortly after 10pm outside a wine bar near the entrance to an open-air music festival, where there were some 2,500 people in attendance. The festival was shut down as a precaution.
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