Crime Every single student at LeBron James' school has failed

It actually does. More money means less time working, means more time raising kids in a better environment
I think you misread my comment.

I meant as far as throwing the school more money. Those kids were likely coming from a poor/broken home environment and this extra funding at school wasn’t likely to help remedy that.

Of course a family with more money will have better parental resources.

Also it takes take time to make money so I don’t agree with that portion of your post.
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I know Lebron has made some dumb woke comments. His take on cops is assinine. But this is a guy that donates a ton of money. He is faithful to his ugly wife since HS. He loves and parents his kids. Never gets in trouble with drugs, alcohol, hookers, gambling. Yes he is a bitch. Yes he whines a lot. Yes his BLM stance is BS as the most priveledged person maybe in history--a King since he first picked up a ball. But I think his good outweighs the bad, and it isnt his fault his school sucks. He tries. That is more than most. He needs to admit some Asian kids to up the numbers.
Glad I read this before I commented. That dude fucked with the wrong people. Although they took it too far the idiots provoked them into this. I was expecting someone innocently being attacked without provocation. Sentence is still light imo.
I'd say "sentence is too light" is the understatement of the century. That said, I get that in this case we maybe can't blame the judge. The jury didn't convict them of the most serious crimes. Notable that the article said repeatedly the jury "couldn't reach a unanimous decision". I'd imagine plenty on that jury wanted manslaughter but some (or even just one) held out.

The kid that died and his friends shot a water gun at the other guys. Words exchanged, a fight breaks out. Obviously the kids in the car were twice stupid. First, for shooting the water gun at them at all. Then, for getting out of the car. But a "fight" escalates to manslaughter once someone is down and is stomped on (sounds like they stomped his chest and head).
Don’t fucking celebrate this because you don’t like lebron. These are kids. This is fucked up

This is the problem with rich celebs attaching their name to something and writing a check ("problem" in terms of how it can end up looking). I don't like a lot of things about LeBron (and on some level I think even stuff like this is partly him truly caring and partly him looking for good PR and to be seen as a transformative person--like Muhammed Ali--and not just an all time great athlete). But to hang this on him is just ignorant. He's trusting what are presumably well qualified people to do what they've assured him they can do. He has no influence (nor would he be qualified to have any) in the operations of the school, it's staff, admissions, etc. He wrote a check, that's it.
i used to live 1 mile from the school, in the crack ghetto, ask me
It actually does. More money means less time working, means more time raising kids in a better environment

More money = LESS time working?


That’s some trick, lol
I think you misread my comment.

I meant as far as throwing the school more money. Those kids were likely coming from a poor/broken home environment and this extra funding at school wasn’t likely to help remedy that.

Of course a family with more money will have better parental resources.

Also it takes take time to make money so I don’t agree with that portion of your post.
It takes generational wealth or a better wage to make more money. Lots of poor people spend more time working than folks who are a lot better off than them.
I think you misread my comment.

I meant as far as throwing the school more money. Those kids were likely coming from a poor/broken home environment and this extra funding at school wasn’t likely to help remedy that.

Of course a family with more money will have better parental resources.

Also it takes take time to make money so I don’t agree with that portion of your post.

For wealthy people it does not take time to make money. Hence his point.
Not with that attitude you won't.
But you do understand that more time at work ≠ to more money in the real world right?

Like an extra 20hrs a week at min wage is basically nothing.

What people need is jobs that pay a livable wage for working full time.
Its a largely a cultural issue, and because of culture a father issue too

At least thats what I think

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