Erdogan: French citizens carried out attack and Muslims pay the price.

When one needs to outright lie, you know that person has absolutely no argument.

Your argument was that South Korea has low chance of race riot therefore superior to America.

Nope, I simply asked you a question and you refused to answer it. We both know why.

Because its a loaded questio? I will answer which country has a higher chance of race riots when you answer which country has a higher chance of entering into a japanese style recession.

Strawman argument. I'm not saying there will never be problems in a homogeneous country, I am saying they are simply stronger, and it's true. The Korean war happened due to Japanese imperialism, not because of civil strife. You obviously don't know the background to the Korean war.

LOL want me to bring all the wars, genocides and problems among people of the same race?

Also im not denying that an homogeneous country is weaker, im saying that blood is not really what brings people together, the US may be ethnically diverse but most people will think of themselves as Americans before something else.

Obviously when I said a country bonded by blood, I meant those people will all be practicing the same culture. You knew that though.

Yet reality is different

North Korea vs South Korea, same blood divided by a fucking minefield.

Ireland, divided into catholic and non-catholic.

Iberia (divided into 2 states and many nations), UK divided into nations.

Eastern and western europe.

Europe is divided despite all being of the same race

Quoting Churchill.

We must build a kind of United States of Europe. In this way only, will hundreds of millions of toilers be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which make life worth living.

Yet you couldnt, to a point where 2 european wars were called world wars with an unprecedent level of devastation.

I am talking about individual nations, not continents. No continent has ever been united by blood, because there's too much cultural diversity. Try to stay on topic.

And anyway, Europe wasn't constantly at war due to the average man in the street. The vast majority of the wars in the middle-ages were due to religion, nothing to do with culture. The elite start wars, not the average man.

Yet the US, China and India are larger than Europe individually, and they are all created by a lot of different states and regions.

And? Totally irrelevant. Once again, I am talking about individual nations, not continents.

The US is built out of 50 states, they havent gone to war against each other for 150 years

And thats the problem, Europe has too many nations, why is Sweden, Norway and Denmark separate? why is Portugal and Spain? why is Germany and Austria?

When european leaders have tried to unify the country, its met by a lot of resistance Napoleon, Charles V, Charlemagne, Hitler take your pick.

Fact remains that when europe was 99.9% white, it was still one of the most divided lands in the world.

Meanwhile China, India and the US all remain firmly under one government despite their ethnic differences.
Is the US still pushing for Turkey to be let into the EU? What a great idea that would be.

Was in Turkey two weeks ago, all of the Turks I spoke to (family and friends) weren't so keen on getting into EU any more.

Yeah I know anecdotal, but still.
Edrogan isn't fooling anyone. Everyone knows the elves of rivendale are responsible.
There is no French ethnic group, French have been invasors and invaded through the entirety of written history.


French identity comes from a specific subset of Celto-Germanic peoples (related to begin with, and then brought together in geography) that produced the modern French people.

Yes, there have been invasions and migrations of related people that coalesced to form the modern French nation. That is how peoples split off from other related peoples and form their own nations.

Being French means being part of this biological community.

You can be a citizen of the French Republic without this. Zidane may be a Frenchman by nationality and passport, but he can never be a Frenchman by blood, which is why he is not French. He is a citizen, but not a member of the nation, and as a nationalist, I believe only those members of the French nation ought to be members of the French polity - though I recognize that others are, in legal fact, members of the polity at this time.
Yes, and that's how the media generally addresses Israelis who join ISIS, for example.

Since I came across these 2 very recent news articles that is pertinent to the subject, I'll mention it here.

Headline from the NYTimes.

"Eight Israeli Arab Men Are Charged With Aiding Islamic State"

CNN on Chomsky on Charlie Hebdo and Free Speech

"(CNN)After the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, which killed 12 people including the editor and four other cartoonists, and the murder of four Jews at a kosher supermarket shortly after"

In the above articles, it is specifically noted the ISIS Israelis were Arabs and the French people killed in the Kosher market were Jews. So media does point out the ethnic and or religious affiliation for incidents of this nature.

If one just said "French Terrorists" , it would leave people confused and with insufficient information (assuming they just see a headline and haven't read/seen the news). When you say "Islamist terrorists" or "Islamist militants", people will know the motivation for the attack is religious and political in nature even if they weren't clued-up on the details of the attack.
LOL is it opposite day?

If they were French citizens, they decided to be Mohammedans first.

Mohammedans carried out the attack, French citizens pay the price. Audacious rhetoric.
Your argument was that South Korea has low chance of race riot therefore superior to America.

You just said I said the USA is about to "fall apart". I have never said that, liar.

Because its a loaded questio? I will answer which country has a higher chance of race riots when you answer which country has a higher chance of entering into a japanese style recession.

Why would you wait for me to answer your question when it was me who asked my question first? Coward.

LOL want me to bring all the wars, genocides and problems among people of the same race?

Please give me examples of genocide or just widespread violence within a SINGLE ETHNIC GROUP. Remember Rod... SINGLE ETHNIC GROUP. Not "race", ETHNIC GROUP. So don't start talking about how Europeans spent hundreds of years slaughtering each other in wars, because that's NOT what I'm talking about.

Also, I am NOT talking about "race". Once again, you're having to put words in my mouth. There could still be serious problems within a country where everyone is of the same race, but there are different ethnic groups. For example, Japan is more stable if it only has Japanese people in it rather than if it was 50% Japanese, 50% Korean (both the same race).

im saying that blood is not really what brings people together

People that share the same ethnicity (blood) & also practice the same culture are united in a way all the ethnicities of the USA could never be. I've explained to you this is what I mean, but you keep creating strawman arguments.

the US may be ethnically diverse but most people will think of themselves as Americans before something else.

African-American, Mexican-American, Hispanic-American, white American, Asian-American, Arab-American... LOL

Yet reality is different

It's really not, and I'm explaining why.

North Korea vs South Korea, same blood divided by a fucking minefield.

Once again, completely overlooking how that came into being. Japanese imperialism is responsible for all of that, and today, North Korea doesn't want to be dominated by the USA, as it believes South Korea has.

Ireland, divided into catholic and non-catholic.

British imperialism & religion. Once again, you're completely overlooking what caused this conflict. You have no argument.

Iberia (divided into 2 states and many nations)

Different cultures. Keep failing.

UK divided into nations.

There is no violence between the English, Scottish & Welsh. /facepalm

Eastern and western europe.

Once again, that's a continent. There are completely different cultures. Keep failing.

Europe is divided despite all being of the same race

Once again, that's a continent. There are completely different cultures. Keep failing.

I am talking about individual nations. You keep bringing up conflicts brought about due to imperialism & religion.

Quoting Churchill.

We must build a kind of United States of Europe. In this way only, will hundreds of millions of toilers be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which make life worth living.

When all else fails, throw in a quote from a famous person. ROFL

Yet you couldnt, to a point where 2 european wars were called world wars with an unprecedent level of devastation.

Which had absolutely nothing to do with homogeneous nations. Still, you're unable to grasp my argument.

I am saying that a COUNTRY that is made up of the same ethnicity (blood) and practices the same culture is going to be far more stable than a country that is made up of many different ethnicities, cultures & religions. It's not hard to understand, but you just can't grasp it. lol

In response, you keep bringing up conflicts brought about by imperialism & religion, between different ethnic groups.


Yet the US, China and India are larger than Europe individually, and they are all created by a lot of different states and regions.

What the fuck has that got to do with this? Land mass? Is that what you're talking about? LOL

The US is built out of 50 states, they havent gone to war against each other for 150 years

And I've never argued that they're about to. LOL what the FUCK are you talking about?

And thats the problem, Europe has too many nations, why is Sweden, Norway and Denmark separate? why is Portugal and Spain? why is Germany and Austria?

Here's a more appropriate question: WHY DO YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE? I am talking about single individual COUNTRIES and the fact individual countries are more stable if they're ethnically & culturally homogeneous. You're SO fucking dumb. LOL

When european leaders have tried to unify the country, its met by a lot of resistance Napoleon, Charles V, Charlemagne, Hitler take your pick.

Fact remains that when europe was 99.9% white, it was still one of the most divided lands in the world.

Because of culture & religion you imbecile. I already stated a thousand times that when an individual COUNTRY (not continent... country, okay? Are you grasping what I'm saying yet? COUNTRY) is made up of the same ethnicity and practices the same culture, it is a lot more stable than an ethnically, culturally & religiously mixed nation. You keep bringing up continents, states, imperialism-motivated conflicts & religiously-motivated conflicts. /facepalmx999999999999

No fucking wonder you keep ignoring my question - which country is more likely to suffer from race riots: USA or South Korea? LOL

Meanwhile China, India and the US all remain firmly under one government despite their ethnic differences.

There are severe problems in India due to its diversity, especially religious diversity. Are you kidding me? And in the parts of China that have the most ethnic/religious diversity, what would ya know... this is happening...

^^ make sure you look at the 'Belligerents' to the right side of that page.

And if you're not aware of the racial tensions in the USA, then I don't know what to say to you. LOL

Just because a country hasn't completely broken up, that doesn't mean it's stable & happy. I am also talking about a general feeling of happiness within a country. The USA is not happy. Homogeneous countries that practice the same culture (and ideally have no religion) are the most stable & happy. There is a bond between the people based on blood/ancestry, culture & history. In the USA, there is division between the different ethnic & religious groups and it results in a constant tension that people have to put up with. That's the bear minimum, the worst is violence. Worst case scenario, civil war. I'm not saying I think the USA will ever suffer a civil war based on race/ethnicity, but it certainly has happened in other parts of the world.

So, to conclude, you're either the dumbest person on this forum as you can't understand my argument, or you're purposely being disingenuous and constantly misrepresenting my argument. Which is it?
The leader of what has long been touted as an example of one of the most civilized, sophisticated, progressive Islamic governments. Telling.

The myth of the "moderate" Muslim withering away. The jig is up.
^Turks really are different from other muslims. You can tell the difference if you've lived around muslims of various ethnicities. I'm getting the sense their collective psyche isn't heading in the right direction though.
^Turks really are different from other muslims. You can tell the difference if you've lived around muslims of various ethnicities. I'm getting the sense their collective psyche isn't heading in the right direction though.
I'm not saying they aren't. I'm saying this schism in the psyche of the nation (contained microcosmically in their leader himself) reveals an underlying truth that the Islamic world continues to resist acknowledging, and a truth towhich we have far too many here in the West refusing to demand confrontation; that Islam has a unique and acute predisposition to violence and intolerance among all religions. Until they acknowledge this, then they'll continue to avoid addressing it, and like pedophiles in the Priesthood in the 20th won't go away, and things won't get better.
You just said I said the USA is about to "fall apart". I have never said that, liar.

Then whats the point of the question? are race riots worse than the prospect of economic collapse?

Why would you wait for me to answer your question when it was me who asked my question first? Coward.

Because your question has zero things to do with the topic we were discussing? You tried to play the US as weak because of Ferguson, despite the fact that it was such a minuscule event in a huge ass country.

On the other hand the looming economic collapse of the asian countries has been a thing since 1997.

Please give me examples of genocide or just widespread violence within a SINGLE ETHNIC GROUP. Remember Rod... SINGLE ETHNIC GROUP. Not "race", ETHNIC GROUP. So don't start talking about how Europeans spent hundreds of years slaughtering each other in wars, because that's NOT what I'm talking about.

Define ethnic group.

Also, I am NOT talking about "race". Once again, you're having to put words in my mouth. There could still be serious problems within a country where everyone is of the same race, but there are different ethnic groups. For example, Japan is more stable if it only has Japanese people in it rather than if it was 50% Japanese, 50% Korean (both the same race).

Cultural and ideological differences are more important than blood, thanks for admiting that then.

People that share the same ethnicity (blood) & also practice the same culture are united in a way all the ethnicities of the USA could never be. I've explained to you this is what I mean, but you keep creating strawman arguments.

Yet the USA is the largest first world country in the world, with a size that rivals the European Union both economically, demographically and geographically.

Lets face it, and im not even America, America is way ahead of any nation in the world, and its done that way because they are united.

Once again, completely overlooking how that came into being. Japanese imperialism is responsible for all of that, and today, North Korea doesn't want to be dominated by the USA, as it believes South Korea has.

So instead of solving the issue democratically they wage a genocidal war and tear apart the country with a minefield? Perfectly understandable solution.

British imperialism & religion. Once again, you're completely overlooking what caused this conflict. You have no argument.

But the same blood, doesnt blood trumps over any other difference?

Different cultures. Keep failing.

There is no violence between the English, Scottish & Welsh. /facepalm

Once again, that's a continent. There are completely different cultures. Keep failing.

Once again, that's a continent. There are completely different cultures. Keep failing.

I am talking about individual nations. You keep bringing up conflicts brought about due to imperialism & religion.

Yet the US was colonized by different cultures, there were poles, italians, irish, british, germans, catholics, protestants and yet, there was no breakup of the nation.

Different cultures turning into one culture vs different cultures turning into 2 world wars.

Which had absolutely nothing to do with homogeneous nations. Still, you're unable to grasp my argument.

I am saying that a COUNTRY that is made up of the same ethnicity (blood) and practices the same culture is going to be far more stable than a country that is made up of many different ethnicities, cultures & religions. It's not hard to understand, but you just can't grasp it. lol

So you think that if in the USA all immigrants had grabbed their own piece of land, and made their own culture and nations it would had turned up alright? sure buddy.

Look at Latin America and see what happens when everyone wants to keep to themselves, same population as the USA 26 different countries that hate each other and have gone to war with each other.

In response, you keep bringing up conflicts brought about by imperialism & religion, between different ethnic groups.


But you said that blood trumps over all of that isnt?

What the fuck has that got to do with this? Land mass? Is that what you're talking about? LOL

Here's a more appropriate question: WHY DO YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE? I am talking about single individual COUNTRIES and the fact individual countries are more stable if they're ethnically & culturally homogeneous. You're SO fucking dumb. LOL

No its not, when people all keep to themselves they will fight with their neighbors.

The problem is that Europe has too many nations, when nations merge, they stop fighting, UK and Spain are examples, do you think the land would be better if they all broke up into the individual nations that make those states?

Just because a country hasn't completely broken up, that doesn't mean it's stable & happy. I am also talking about a general feeling of happiness within a country. The USA is not happy. Homogeneous countries that practice the same culture (and ideally have no religion) are the most stable & happy. There is a bond between the people based on blood/ancestry, culture & history. In the USA, there is division between the different ethnic & religious groups and it results in a constant tension that people have to put up with. That's the bear minimum, the worst is violence. Worst case scenario, civil war. I'm not saying I think the USA will ever suffer a civil war based on race/ethnicity, but it certainly has happened in other parts of the world.

So, to conclude, you're either the dumbest person on this forum as you can't understand my argument, or you're purposely being disingenuous and constantly misrepresenting my argument. Which is it?

Yeah Americans are so unhappy, thats why they all immigrate to other countries? wait no, they dont.
"French police arrest five Chechens suspected of preparing attack"

Lol at CBS saying "Russians" then later in the article mentioning they were Chechen. Well yes technically they are Russian citizens.

Five Russians have been arrested in southern France, including one with a cache of explosives, a local mayor said Tuesday as four other men appeared at a court in Paris, the first to face charges in the Paris terror attacks.
Then whats the point of the question? are race riots worse than the prospect of economic collapse?

Still avoiding answering the question I see (we both know why :icon_lol:)...

And South Korea's economic collapse is not down to its lack of ethnic, cultural & religious diversity, so there's no connection. The only reason you keep mentioning it is because that's your last line of defence from answering this question... because you're a COWARD.

Which country is more likely to suffer race riots - South Korea or USA?

Let's see if you manage to find the courage to answer this time... let's see...

Because your question has zero things to do with the topic we were discussing?

When I originally asked that question, we were discussing ethnic diversity and how homogeneous countries are the most stable. That is what we are again discussing in this thread and once again, you're ignoring the question... because you're a coward. You very well know the answer.

Which country is most likely to suffer race riots - South Korea or USA?

You tried to play the US as weak because of Ferguson, despite the fact that it was such a minuscule event in a huge ass country.

Oh now come on, coward. You're really scraping the barrel now. I never even MENTIONED Ferguson, haha! Just stop with this feebleness and answer the question: which country is most likely to suffer race riots - South Korea or USA?

On the other hand the looming economic collapse of the asian countries has been a thing since 1997.

... because of their lack of desire to have enough babies. Not because of their lack of ethnic, cultural & religious diversity. Keep failing.

Define ethnic group.

Haha! The wriggling begins.

A group of people with a unique cultural & historical bond.

Examples: Japanese, Han, Koreans, Arabs, Turks, Kurds... you get the idea.

Some more examples:

So, back to my challenge: Please give me examples of genocide or just widespread violence within a SINGLE ETHNIC GROUP. Remember Rod... SINGLE ETHNIC GROUP. Not "race", ETHNIC GROUP. So don't start talking about how Europeans spent hundreds of years slaughtering each other in wars, because that's NOT what I'm talking about.

Cultural and ideological differences are more important than blood, thanks for admiting that then.

Both blood & culture are important. A people are far stronger if they have a blood connection. You know this, which is why you keep ignoring my question: which country is more likely to suffer race riots - South Korea or USA?

Yet the USA is the largest first world country in the world, with a size that rivals the European Union both economically, demographically and geographically.

Still obsessing over the CONTINENT of Europe I see... /facepalm

Geographically? You mean land mass? What the fuck has that got to do with anything? LOL

Demographically? You mean total population? Another Rod1 classic... LOL

Population of USA: 320 million
Populaton of EU: 500 million

Only 180 million out. Not bad... for you. :icon_lol:

And as the USA becomes more diverse, its standard of living slips. Not saying there's a connection though, just that the idea the USA became an economic superpower because of its ethnic diversity is laughable.

Lets face it, and im not even America

No, you never did get around to telling me what your nationality is. You cowered away from that too. Typical.
America is way ahead of any nation in the world

It's really not. Not in standards of living, education, life expectancy or crime (the major factors in how well a country is doing)...

HDI (Human Development Index), which basically measures standards of living:

1). Norway
2). Australia
3). Switzerland
4). Netherlands
5). USA

World Happiness Report:

1). Denmark
2). Norway
3). Switzerland
4). Netherlands
5). Sweden
17). USA

Life expectancy:

1). Japan
2). Andorra
3). Singapore
4). Hong Kong
5). San Marino
36). USA

Student performance:

1). South Korea
2). Finland
3). China
4). Canada
5). New Zealand
15). USA

Lowest murder rate:

1). Liechtenstein
2). Monaco
3). Singapore
4). Japan
5). Iceland
109). USA

"America is way ahead of any nation in the world"... lulz

and its done that way because they are united.

See above.

Oh and just to prove how "united" they are, answer this question: which country is more likely to suffer race riots - South Korea or USA?

So instead of solving the issue democratically they wage a genocidal war and tear apart the country with a minefield? Perfectly understandable solution.

Lulz... "genocidal war"... where was the genocide during the Korean war? Must've missed that.

Look, you're desperate. I understand that. Japan brought the whole war about due to its imperialism. Then the USA stuck its big nose in and the North went full on isolationist. Had Japan not been trying to take over countries & the US had minded its own business, the war would NOT have happened and Korea would be united today. Fact.

But the same blood, doesnt blood trumps over any other difference?

Having to put words in my mouth because you're losing this argument so badly. I never said homogeneous countries are invincible, dopey. Religion fucks everything up, and imperialism is never a good thing. I have already made my point, and of course you choose to ignore it - a country which has only one ethnicity inhabiting it, who are all united based on a shared ancestry (blood) and culture, is the strongest of nations. It's just a fact. Religion fucks with people's heads so can obviously cause severe problems. I never once said homogeneous countries are perfect. Fail again.

Yet the US was colonized by different cultures, there were poles, italians, irish, british, germans, catholics, protestants and yet, there was no breakup of the nation.

Once again, having to put words in my mouth. I never said ethnically mixed countries will end in balkanization. You KEEP misrepresenting my argument and we both know why.

Different cultures turning into one culture vs different cultures turning into 2 world wars.

Once again, you're not understanding my argument. You're talking about a continent (Europe), and I'm talking about individual homogeneous nations and how they're the most stable.

And the two world wars were started not because of a hatred between all the different peoples of Europe, it started because of the rich, powerful elite. The average man starts no wars, so your argument is invalid. But you keep clinging to it because that's all you've got.

Keep bringing up Europe and its history though, as if its relevant. LOL

You're such a failure. :icon_lol:

So you think that if in the USA all immigrants had grabbed their own piece of land, and made their own culture and nations it would had turned up alright? sure buddy.

No. I never said anything of the sort. LOL your fails are never ending.

Look at Latin America and see what happens when everyone wants to keep to themselves, same population as the USA 26 different countries that hate each other and have gone to war with each other.

lolwut... hate each other? Anyway, STILL you're not getting it... or maybe you are, but you're having to try to constantly deflect the argument because you know you have no rebuttal to my ACTUAL argument. I am talking about one single nation and the one single ethnic group which inhabits it and how that nation, due to a shared ancestry (blood) & culture, will be far more stable than an ethnically, culturally & religiously mixed nation. But here you are, constantly rambling on about Europe, and now Latin America. ROFL

Hey dude, which country is more likely to suffer from race riots: South Korea or USA? Don't be scared homie... you can answer it. :)

But you said that blood trumps over all of that isnt?

No. I did not. Fail again. LOL

No its not, when people all keep to themselves they will fight with their neighbors.

No they won't. Total nonsense. People don't just fight for the hell of it. If religion is involved, it's very possible. But again, I am talking about a single country and what goes on WITHIN that country, not two countries fighting with each other. STILL you're either not getting it, or are purposely trying to deflect the argument. Fails all round for you, bruh. LOL

And like I said, the average man doesn't start a war - the elite do. The elite do it for their own personal gain, not because the people of one country hate the people of another. Don't be so ridiculous.

The problem is that Europe has too many nations, when nations merge, they stop fighting, UK and Spain are examples, do you think the land would be better if they all broke up into the individual nations that make those states?

You're just repeating yourself, STILL babbling on about the CONTINENT of Europe LOLOL...

Once again, dopey dumb dumb... I am talking about a single ethnically & culturally homogeneous COUNTRY and what goes on within that country, not what goes on between two or more countries. Why are you so stupid? Or are you purposely trying to deflect?

Yeah Americans are so unhappy, thats why they all immigrate to other countries? wait no, they dont.

See 'World Happiness Report' above, dude. Homogeneous countries are the happiest due to a trust that exists between the people who share a blood (ancestral) connection. Ethnically mixed nations are the unhappiest due to distrust between the different ethnic groups, who share little-to-no connection.

And you missed this, coward...

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