I have two jobs. I teach criminology at a local university and my second job is a human trafficking advocate. I teach about how the internet is used to traffick people. You send a nude pic to a guy and he threatens to release unless you do x, y, and z. I go to universities and police departments to educate them on human trafficking.
I came across it a few times during my law enforcement career and didn’t realize it at the time. Rarely does it look like the movie “taken” but in my first week in uniform, we came across that where three guys from Cleveland forced a protitute into a vehicle and then forced her to turn tricks and give them the money. She eventually got a text message to a friend and we kicked in the door and arrested them for kidnapping. Human trafficking only became a crime in the US in 2000. This was 2002 and I had never heard of HT before, so we didn’t know what we were looking at.
Around 2008, we were looking for another dude from Cleveland (they have infested our area for drug dealing) who was wanted for a shooting. We kicked in the hotel door and he went for a gun under the mattress. We got to him before he could get the gun out. Anyway, as we are fighting to handcuff him, I look up and see two young girls-15 years old or so, hiding in the corner. They were runaways from Cleveland and were being trafficked. You can never have an underage prostitute. Under the age of 18, anyone paying for sex with a minor is ALWAYS considered trafficking now. We arrested him for the warrant for the shooting, charged him with drug and gun crimes and that was it. Again, we don’t realize it was trafficking. So that is my goal to educate law enforcement on what trafficking is.
Good thread and OP, as always.