International On the first day without X, many Brazilians say they feel disconnected from the world

This should pretty much be roundly condemned by all liberal media but the angle is “ooo this can’t be good for X, a lot of people in Brazil!” Is what they have to say.

Actual anti-democratic tyranny is happening but they are still fighting the battle of trying to shade Musk’s acquisition and management of Twitter. Mostly for the sake of trolling him…great priorities lol. Embarrassing.

The fact that X is being pulled for no reason different than established dictatorships pulling X is being treated with such credulity by the media for de Moraes and Lula is proof that you don’t hate the media enough.

Even if you twist yourself to defend them over X…

the whole SpaceX asset freeze is alarmingly indefensible and should have drawn an immediate rebuke from the US State Department and other equivalents throughout the western world 2 fuckin days ago. Total silence even though it’s direct retaliation against an unrelated business whose MAJORITY of shareholders have no ties to X at all.

And people are supposed to believe Bolsonaro was a threat?
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This should pretty much be roundly condemned by all liberal media but the angle is “ooo this can’t be good for X, a lot of people in Brazil!” Is what they have to say.

Actual anti-democratic tyranny is happening but they are still fighting the battle of trying to shade Musk’s acquisition and management of Twitter. Mostly for the sake of trolling him…great priorities lol. Embarrassing.

The fact that X is being pulled for no reason different than established dictatorships pulling X is being treated with such credulity by the media for de Moraes and Lula is proof that you don’t hate the media enough.

Even if you twist yourself to defend them over X…

the whole SpaceX asset freeze is alarmingly indefensible and should have drawn an immediate rebuke from the US State Department and other equivalents throughout the western world 2 fuckin days ago. Total silence even though it’s direct retaliation against an unrelated business whose MAJORITY of shareholders have no ties to X at all.

And people are supposed to believe Bolsonaro was a threat?
- I've seen a girl on my feed making jokes. I said the same happens in other ditactorial contries. She is always posting leftists freedom talking points.
Alexandre is single-handedly bringing his country in the dark ages.
Musk is right about this one. Sad for Brazilian people living through this. i've been seeing huge numbers of brazilians asking about how to access the net anonymously, vpns, etc.
you'd have to be a gutter trash level retard to be glad about this.
Need more info on what Brazil needed blocked, but I am inclined to go with Brazil over Musk. Musk is NOT about freedom of speech since he took over twitter it has gotten worse.
Very broadly speaking.
The Brazilian constitution grants freedom of speech. You cannot create a law blocking freedom of speech but you can have other articles in the Constitution that limit it.
There are two exceptions in the Constitution.
Outright nazism is prohibited. You cannot use the nazi swastika for your party, it's not like in Germany and you can use it for games, movies etc.
The other prohibition is to attack people over religion or race. You could get arrested for saying the N-Word as an offense in Brazil, also saying that African religions are about devil worshipping etc. That last part is very rarely enforced, evangelical leaders routinely claim it without repercussions. Mostly, it's not considered a crime if you do it in your own church but something like the Westboro Baptist Church would be prohibited.

Other than that, it's similar to the US where slander or direct calls for violence are prohibited. Public figures are ok to attack.

Now, that's where it matters to the current case. In the US you learn that screaming "Fire!" in a crowded theater is not free speech. Also asking people to go and murder somebody else, AKA commit a crime, is not free speech.

What is happening in Brazil is that the Supreme Court is broadening the concept of an "imminent threat".

In 1964 Brazil suffered a military coup. Since Bolsonaro lost the 2022 election some of his supporters have been advocating for a military coup. That culminated in an invasion of Congress, similar to what happened in the US on January 6.
The Supreme Court is now considering calls for the military to overthrow the government to be incitement to violence and asked X to take down the profiles asking for it. Elon Musk said he won't.

A congressman was arrested for posting a video on YouTube saying he was going to storm the Supreme Court and beat up the Justices and he was also planning a coup. He was banned from X, but his wife kept posting that kind of material. The Supreme Court asked X to ban her, again it was denied.

There were a couple of other, lower profile cases that were broadly similar. Mostly regarding threats to violence and organizing coups.

Lastly it was about election interference, although that isn't clear. But supposedly X isn't a free platform because it is supporting some candidates above others. That would be illegal as it's a foreign entity trying to interfere in national elections. I believe that is also illegal in the US, see Russia election interference.
In other words, it's like Elon, a foreign citizen donating hundreds of millions to a few candidates he favors by giving them, and not others, a free platform.
Anyhow that could be worked around if they had a legal representative in the country but Elon Musk shut down the Brazilian offices for X.

Now, as a way to enforce it Moraes has seized Starlink bank accounts, the vast majority of Brazilian law experts are against that. He has also threatened a fine of around 9k USD to anybody using a VPN to access and engage with X. To be fair, it's unlikely it would be even possible to enforce it against the average citizen but it would be targeted at politicians using the platform to criticize the decision or to keep posting what the Court is considering to be a crime.

I'm not necessarily in favor of the ban, but I tried to give some context. I found it interesting how it has overwhelming support among the American left on the internet. The vast majority of comments on the NYT where in favor of the ban.

The US has been floating around the idea of banning TikTok as it's seen as a tool of the Chinese government, and France has arrested telegram founder, I think we shall see more of that kind of action in the future. I think it's likely some Euro countries will ban X in the future.
Right or wrong I do not think it's comparable to North Korea or China banning these platforms.
I'm not necessarily in favor of the ban, but I tried to give some context. I found it interesting how it has overwhelming support among the American left on the internet. The vast majority of comments on the NYT where in favor of the ban.
It's short-sighted hatred of the man, that's it.
The US has been floating around the idea of banning TikTok as it's seen as a tool of the Chinese government, and France has arrested telegram founder, I think we shall see more of that kind of action in the future. I think it's likely some Euro countries will ban X in the future.
it's going to be very tricky to do that here, because euro courts are not ideologically subservient. if musk has a case, he will win.
Right or wrong I do not think it's comparable to North Korea or China banning these platforms.
the effect is the same.
I don't like Musk and I do believe that he actively amplifies right wing misinformation while trying to suppress left wing views. But its a private company and he can do that if he wants, I find the heavy handed approach by the BR government here to be far more problematic.
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He seems nice.
It's short-sighted hatred of the man, that's it.

it's going to be very tricky to do that here, because euro courts are not ideologically subservient. if musk has a case, he will win.

the effect is the same.
Well, no, because you can go on and use other media. Unlike in these countries where speech itself is banned and you can only use a few government controlled media.

People can still use threads, bluesky etc
Well, no, because you can go on and use other media. Unlike in these countries where speech itself is banned and you can only use a few government controlled media.

People can still use threads, bluesky etc
and what happens if people bring to those networks the exact dialogue that was on x and those also refuse to ban those accounts musk refused? those networks will get banned too? see how it grows into a china?
Alexandre is single-handedly bringing his country in the dark ages.
Musk is right about this one. Sad for Brazilian people living through this. i've been seeing huge numbers of brazilians asking about how to access the net anonymously, vpns, etc.
you'd have to be a gutter trash level retard to be glad about this.
- Bolsonaro atacked the supreme court. Bolsonaro wanted to be a ditactor, since them, Moraes has also used his reach.

I do defend his position on the marjority of things, but i disagree of blocking twitter(X serious?), because several people use the tool(twitter not Musk) to comunicate and sell things.
and what happens if people bring to those networks the exact dialogue that was on x and those also refuse to ban those accounts musk refused? those networks will get banned too? see how it grows into a china?
- People cant because they will be banned.
The fight for free speech is essential for a healthy country.
- I'm divided on that. The people that asked for violence need to be held accountable, whaty Musk didnt doo. But we cant punish all the others that use the plataform.