This is, imho, Trump’s greatest innovation where corruption and criminality is concerned, and he did this last term too. He breaks laws and violates the Constitution blatantly, right in full view. Turns out, most people are not informed enough to know what the laws are or what the Constitution says, Trump can’t be prosecuted while he’s POTUS, and his own party will never impeach and remove him without major public pressure—but there’s no public pressure because most people are not informed enough to know what the laws are or what the Constitution says.
It’s kind of ingenious when you think about it. Libs call it out of course, but conservatives DGAF what we think or say anyhow. Conservative media outlets not only don’t call out the corruption me lawbreaking, but purposely obscure it. I think our reality isn’t as much Orwell’s
1984 as it is Huxley’s
Brave New World: we have more information at our fingertips than ever before, but no one can tell the difference between good information and bad, so nothing means anything anymore.