If you think making observations is a "meltdown" then you need to spend less time on Sherdog and more time in real life.
Money can't buy brains. Elon conducts himself like a stupid preteen. If he knows that the things he does are stupid but chooses to do them anyway, then he's acting like an idiot. If he doesn't know and thinks he's genuinely being cool, then he's genuinely stupid. This is obvious to anyone who isn't also stupid. And while you can't definitively determine that someone is a Nazi (meaning that they want to exterminate all Jewish people in pursuit of a pure Aryan race) by that single hand gesture, by the same token you can't definitively determine that someone has no Nazi sympathies when they make that hand gesture. If you Sieg Heil on camera, you should expect some raised eyebrows and some pointed questions...and if you don't expect that and can't understand it, then, again, you're an idiot. Pretty straightforward.
Yep. As Elon would say, it's not rocket science.
I said "stuck up for him," not "stuck with him through." We weren't exchanging calls and texts with me providing him words of encouragement.