Elizabeth Warren has a "Meme team"

She's being hip guys.

Obviously she is as youthful and exuberant as Hillary!!

Look out Trump!!
"Meme War, Episode 5. The Empire Strikes back!"

The 2nd great meme war is about to begin!
This should be pretty damn entertaining but not in the way Warren expects.
They better get to spamming

The results of Liz Warren meme on google are not very flattering
This should be pretty damn entertaining but not in the way Warren expects.

Ya know shes a decent candidate and right on almost everything except the border and guns ..... But you guys have memed her into absurdity and I think you are right about how it plays out
her official plan is to tax:

big banks
large corporations
ultra wealthy

she never says who falls into those categories because she doesnt know yet so uses words that CNN and other networks pick up on.

Im way too smart for this world
Yeah god what sort of political loser uses memes to express their views

4chan and /The_Donald are gonna eat her lunch.

the left can’t meme.
Yeah she definitely is way behind the right wing when it comes to having an army of incels to savagely burn the opposition. Gonna be a slaughter.
Her Meme Team is a sub division of her Plan Clan.

There's only one democratic presidential candidate who can beat Trump on both the debate stage and in the battleground states. If the primary voters get it wrong they will only have themselves to blame. Again.