International El Salvador brutal crackdown on crime

Getting "tough on crime" is always easier than solving the actual problems that lead to crime.
And committing crimes is always easier than working for a living. What was the actual problem here? They came to the US, plenty of available jobs, but chose thugs life instead and got sent back to their country of origin where they continued to cause shit. They had a fuck'n chance and choose to squander it.
And committing crimes is always easier than working for a living. What was the actual problem here? They came to the US, plenty of available jobs, but chose thugs life instead and got sent back to their country of origin where they continued to cause shit. They had a fuck'n chance and choose to squander it.
Man if you really think that's true I feel sorry for you.
Click in the link and look at those faces and tats. Would u let your kids anywhere near them?

What does that have to do with if a government is acting in an authoritarian manner?

You really think the El Salvador police rounded people with tattoos up like Jews in 1930s Germany?

With the way they are just rounding people up then locking them up, they are also locking up innocent people. Thats a issue for anyone to worry about. Taking away the rights of people is always cause for concern. They have suspended the rights of the people for a year now, and it doesnt appear that it will stop anytime soon. Its not like its just Nazi that have had authoritarian governments abuse its power like this. Communist governments have done similar things in the past and it leads to hunan rights violations.
An authoritarian dream. As long as the government doesn't mind stripping the rights of everyone away, they can imprison anyone they want.
Sounds like vax mandates, but I don’t want to derail. Bro, these guys have their gang tattoos, not too hard to identify them.
How's that bitcoin policy working for them?

Ahhh more fasc-right beatoff material.
Yeah stupid everybody knows that, but they don’t bring down an entire society, just a few neighborhoods in America.
Crazy stuff, America should really reconsider exporting it's street gangs next time in light of that.
Bukele is an amazing leader and he shows what can get done if you actually use power.
And committing crimes is always easier than working for a living. What was the actual problem here? They came to the US, plenty of available jobs, but chose thugs life instead and got sent back to their country of origin where they continued to cause shit. They had a fuck'n chance and choose to squander it.
You got it wrong. We're supposed to believe model citizens got corrupted by the US and became gang members. Meanwhile, the vast majority of Salvadorians find jobs, work hard and do what they can for their families. I wonder how long it will take for them to finally get radicalized by the filthy US system.
Too bad the criminals found their way in.
It seems they weren't criminals til they got here. That's something I see people miss when it comes to certain Hispanic street gangs, many are formed and made up of people who have a tenuous connection to their country of origin or in many cases are 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants. IIRC studies suggest that 1st generation Hispanic immigrants are the least likely to commit crime while their descendants tend to be significantly more likely. They're assimilating into lower class urban gang life that already exists in the US for a variety of reasons.
It seems they weren't criminals til they got here. That's something I see people miss when it comes to certain Hispanic street gangs, many are formed and made up of people who have a tenuous connection to their country of origin or in many cases are 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants. IIRC studies suggest that 1st generation Hispanic immigrants are the least likely to commit crime while their descendants tend to be significantly more likely. They're assimilating into lower class urban gang life that already exists in the US for a variety of reasons.
Okay, how is it 2nd and 3rd generation hispanics can be deported?
Okay, how is it 2nd and 3rd generation hispanics can be deported?
In this case it seems that the gang members were young when they arrived here after fleeing the civil war, grew up in rough neighborhoods and ended up starting the gang, then got deported back as adults. So while they are Salvadoran nationals they seem to have had little connection to El Salvador before being deported back. Could you imagine Bloods or Crips being deported to some fragile African country with little to no law and order? They'd take over the parliament in six weeks.
50 percent of the illegal guns in El Salvador come from America. The rest are old military stockpiles that might have American origin too.

The murder rate falling stuff might not because of the crackdown. The gangs were making bodies disappear. There are a lot of missing people.
Okay, how is it 2nd and 3rd generation hispanics can be deported?
It's usually the case with immigrant families. The parents work hard jobs. Nobody watches the kids and they get bullied. They might form gangs etc etc. They get deported because their parents never filed proper papers to stay in this country and they got in trouble with the law. This is an oversimplified example. Some of their cases are really messed up like the father fled the country without their kids and the kids travel alone to America to try to join the parent after the war. You even have people that weren't gang affiliated with MS 13 that end up joining because they got deported. Some of them are pretty much Americans who really don't know El Salvador.