Dumbest thing you've heard

It's weird that people who aren't blind think it's a "concept" what level of education must you have attained I wonder
Please clarify what you intend with this comment. Having a different color of skin is no more a race than having a small nose or a big nose, or small feet/big feet for that matter. I think it's crazy that people care enough about such things to mistreat people on that basis.

Do you take exception to that?
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Sometimes I am absolutely astounded by the ignorance of people.

I told one my friends about the time I saw fresh water dolphins in the Mekong river in Cambodia, and she responds that I didn't. Dolphins don't live in rivers she says. When I told her I saw them with my own eyes and took videos of them, she said that they must've caught them from the ocean and put them in the river for tourists. This statement was so dumb I didn't know how to respond. That she said this with so much confidence and certainty in her voice is what bewildered me. I just told her to look up freshwater dolphin species.

I met a girl who worked at Yosemite National Park and she said she would sometimes get tourists asking her to "turn on the waterfall."

I also met people who complain about beaches being too small not realizing they were there at high tide.

What's the dumbest thing you heard people say?
The guy who died in the nutty Putty caves and all cavers who crawl into tiny spaces in general are fucking retards

lol It's not. Ya'll sexualize your own kids by letting them on the internet unsupervised so they can look at porn whenever they want. Imagine being mad that a porn book no one ever checked out in 20 years is randomly on a shelf in some library, when you are paying ISPs to funnel unlimited rape porn to your kids' phones.
Well one does not make the other right. There is a dark side that exists concerning grooming and :eek::eek::eek::eek:philia. You see it in lawmakers, schools, hollywood. It is scary as hell that a man can rape a baby and get only 2 years. Why? Why is that not life? Why would there be things in elementary schools of a sexual nature? But you are right, the internet is more dangerous.
Please clarify what you intend with this comment. Having a different color of skin is no more a race than having a small nose or a big nose, or small feet/big feet for that matter. I think it's crazy that people care enough about such things to mistreat people on that basis.

Do you take exception to that?

who said anything about mistreatment. there are different races. It doesn't mean different species. get an education please and stop putting words in my mouth.
Was told your commute is faster when it's snowing bc there are less cars on the road.
Just right now, off the phone with my ex. She had hair extensions put in for free. She said, “guys like stripper hair.” Meaning long hair. Lol. I said to her, those must be shallow men. I personally don’t care about hair, what’s up in that brain is most important, looks do help, being physically attracted to someone is part of attraction and compatibility, but that’s not will be the total deciding factor in a compatible relationship.
Lol Lol Lol!!!
Just right now, off the phone with my ex. She had hair extensions put in for free. She said, “guys like stripper hair.” Meaning long hair. Lol. I said to her, those must be shallow men. I personally don’t care about hair, what’s up in that brain is most important, looks do help, being physically attracted to someone is part of attraction and compatibility, but that’s not will be the total deciding factor in a compatible relationship.
Lol Lol Lol!!!
Not dumb at all. Most men do care more about physical beauty than brains in women.
Not dumb at all. Most men do care more about physical beauty than brains in women.
What does that tell you about the men you’re talking about much less the what the world or country is evolving into? SMH
What does that tell you about the men you’re talking about much less the what the world or country is evolving into? SMH
He said "most men".
Are you going to claim that most men are not bloody morons?
Well, she might be right ya know. Its possible this species evolved to fresh water because man put them their a long time ago.
Look into it.
What does that tell you about the men you’re talking about much less the what the world or country is evolving into? SMH
It's not a new thing. It's always been this way and it works like this in nature too. The most natural thing is for females to seek out strong providers and men to seek out beauty because it signals good genetics.
It's not a new thing. It's always been this way and it works like this in nature too. The most natural thing is for females to seek out strong providers and men to seek out beauty because it signals good genetics.
Can’t argue with this, However when you base things off of looks in the human world what’s going to happen when a man chooses a women for looks, they will cheat for another good looking women and visa versa. Possibly true NoveltyM?
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Not dumb at all. Most men do care more about physical beauty than brains in women.
The statement that was dumb was stripper hair. To be precise of what I felt was dumb
who said anything about mistreatment. there are different races. It doesn't mean different species. get an education please and stop putting words in my mouth.
So, what other reason would you have for that nomenclature? The idea that there are races is an artificial construct (mostly or entirely by Europeans) created for the sole purpose of holding some people to be superior to others. It's you that's in need of an education, son.