Dorticos vs Gassiev - Saturday 3rd February

Dorticos is still throwing out shots but Gassievs work looks the more solid but looking like he's getting a bit tired. Then Gassiev clocks him! Dorticos looking wobbly 7-4 Gassiev
Giving the round to Dorticos for some how not going down.
Comparable to Willie Pep winning a round without throwing a punch
All Gassiev. 8-3. Dorticos needs a KO that I don't think he's capable of at this point.
Great round. Dorticos was doing well, then got rocked to his boots. Recovered well though.
6-5 Gassiev.
In boxing, does the action stop hard and fast at the bell sounding, or at the ref ending the action rather? Thought I saw Dort a round back get a little froggy following the bell but Gass shrugged it off, mouthing something to himself like ain't no thing.

The action should stop but it's not uncommon for guys to miss the bell when they're in the middle of the exchange. They'll be given a pass, unless the ref was actually breaking them up, at which point he might give one a hard warning.

Recently Guillermo Rigondeux scored a knockout by hitting after the bell because the fighters and ref didn't hear the bell. They did some weird instant replay stuff but Gillermo got the win anyway.
Last round, here we go! Dorticos shots look like they have less on them. Fucking hell what a left hook from Gassiev! Down he goes again!! Gassiev going in for the finish. He's got him! Through the ropes!!
Dort's on skates.
Good for Gassiev! Don't leave this one in the judges hands.
Fun fight. Gassiev did well to close the show.
This is a quite entertaining division.
Last round, here we go! Dorticos shots look like they have less on them. Fucking hell what a left hook from Gassiev! Down he goes again!! Gassiev going in for the finish. He's got him! Through the ropes!!

haha I read this in Howard Cosells voice.