Elections Donald Trump Appears On Joe Rogan Podcast

Awww, Rogan wasn't your hero in taking down "hItLeR?!?!?"

Do you actually find fulfillment engaging with people on an Internet forum at the level of a middle schooler? Your AV is too cool for you to have this personality.

said perfectly. Joe post Covid has changed a lot

Generally speaking, I enjoy the way that he conducts himself and the seemingly carefree attitude that he has, but at times he seems to almost willfully ignore important moments and lean on the "I'm just a pothead comedian with CTE who loves fighting" thing while also at other times acting like he has his finger on the pulse and has opinions that the world needs to listen to. Can't have it both ways, and when he has opportunities to take shit seriously and actually contribute meaningfully to public discourse, he tends to drop the ball (or, maybe more accurately, he opts not to pick the ball up).

This was Rogans Frost moment and he failed.

Not a bad analogy. Especially after the Shane/Trump joke at Kill Tony, not to mention all the times he's mocked Trump's insanity, it would've been nice for him to have pushed Trump a little bit on his lunatic media persona (if not his lunatic personality).
Do you actually find fulfillment engaging with people on an Internet forum at the level of a middle schooler? Your AV is too cool for you to have this personality.

You're IQ is way too low for me to help you understand what the Rogan podcast was all about. It's a better use of my time to ridicule you from a distance.
Do you actually find fulfillment engaging with people on an Internet forum at the level of a middle schooler? Your AV is too cool for you to have this personality.

Generally speaking, I enjoy the way that he conducts himself and the seemingly carefree attitude that he has, but at times he seems to almost willfully ignore important moments and lean on the "I'm just a pothead comedian with CTE who loves fighting" thing while also at other times acting like he has his finger on the pulse and has opinions that the world needs to listen to. Can't have it both ways, and when he has opportunities to take shit seriously and actually contribute meaningfully to public discourse, he tends to drop the ball (or, maybe more accurately, he opts not to pick the ball up).

Not a bad analogy. Especially after the Shane/Trump joke at Kill Tony, not to mention all the times he's mocked Trump's insanity, it would've been nice for him to have pushed Trump a little bit on his lunatic media persona (if not his lunatic personality).

I think Joes interviewing style at best is great. He’s curious. Maybe he’s just past it now, but he gets in the way of a good interview when in the past he didn’t.

I’m sure trumps team gave him a list of things to talk about and what he couldn’t
Post #251. It would be pretty damn coincidental for me to give Joe's *alleged* response to their request 2 hours before they release the Trump episode, and then when having Kamala on is brought up, Joe says almost verbatim what I said his response was to her team. "I wouldn't try to interview her, I would just have a conversation with her so people get to know her as a human being". Unless I have psychic powers, which I don't, it appears the "rumor mill" was right, and it wasn't just her team being "in talks" for weeks and then deciding "whoops, turns out we just don't have any time to reach the exact audience she's struggling badly with".
I think I see what you’re saying. It reads a bit tangled up but I get what you’re saying
i'm not going to explain fundamental subtraction and addition to a feral pig. Just vote for Harris and everything will be fine.

Joe “how you get us out Ukraine, how do you stop what happening in the Middle East”

Trump” everyday changes, whose winning whose not , Russia is a war machine, big fat war machine , Ukraine if I was there it wouldn’t never happen.

If I told you exactly what I’d do I would never make a deal “

Lmfao you fuckjng dip shit
Joe “how you get us out Ukraine, how do you stop what happening in the Middle East”

Trump” everyday changes, whose winning whose not , Russia is a war machine, big fat war machine , Ukraine if I was there it wouldn’t never happen.

If I told you exactly what I’d do I would never make a deal “

Lmfao you fuckjng dip shit

vote for harris

why does rogan curse for the sake of cursing? It was just odd that he would randomly curse on his show
Trump is infallible for his cult members. They’ll say, “he’s just being real! Not some fake politician!” They’ll always justify what he says or does. If it is reported he did XYZ” No way! Just the MSM slandering his fine name!”

I pity those people who look at his as some demigod.
It's becoming increasingly sad that the people bought into the MAGA cult here and are actually praising this "interview". Obviously we'll wait for the election, but if he loses i just wanna see what happens with the MAGA crowd.

Aside from the dancing town hall, this is one of his worst interviews as he quite literally had lay-up questions with an interviewer that leans his way and he didn't answer a single policy one legitimately. It was mostly rambles and victimizing himself.

I.E: How can you watch this and think he did well, Rogan himself that often praises him had to awkwardly laugh off a non-endorsement after he outright begged him to endorse him:

I was just lurking but dude you need to take a step back. You are obsessed with politics in a clearly unhealthy manner. You've posted this same video like 5 times now. Reflect on why you feel the need to spam this same video and write these little blurbs while subconsciously knowing it's all going into the ether.

Joe Rogan Says He Rejected Offers to Interview Donald Trump: ‘I’m Not a Trump Supporter’ and ‘Won’t Help Him’​

“The Trump era is also going to be one of the weirder times,” Rogan said. “When people look back historically about the division in this country, he’s such a polarizing figure that so many people felt like they could abandon their own ethics and morals and principles just to attack him and anybody who supports him because he is an existential threat to democracy itself.”

I was just lurking but dude you need to take a step back. You are obsessed with politics in a clearly unhealthy manner. You've posted this same video like 5 times now. Reflect on why you feel the need to spam this same video and write these little blurbs while subconsciously knowing it's all going into the ether.
Nah, i just like that video cause it kills the "he did amazing" argument MAGA keeps spewing here as it's a proper response to it.

Clearly begging for an endorsement and then getting awkwardly laughed off from someone then being told that you're rambling too much who was leaning to you is an encapsulation of how terrible it actually was.
Anyway this thread has turned into a Harris/Trump debate.

Let us all just come together as MMA fans for at least one day for the wild card UFC 308 is gonna be.
Come over for lobster crab mac. We'll get drunk and scream at the TV

Joe Rogan Says He Rejected Offers to Interview Donald Trump: ‘I’m Not a Trump Supporter’ and ‘Won’t Help Him’​

Yeah, i subscribe to the giant rumor that Rogan still didn't want to do it, but he got a emergency call from Trump's good buddy Dana White begging him to do it. lol
In contrast to Trump, Harris is such a loser, with the most favorable of interviewers. What a loser.

Come over for lobster crab mac. We'll get drunk and scream at the TV
Sounds great, but I convinced my Fiance and a couple friends to wake up with me to watch it for once cause i put an obscene amount on Max beating Topuria and RDA beating Geoff Neal lmaoo.

Sucks its in the morning, its terrible for those of us in the west coast.