Do you think the best MMA fighter at HW is the most dangerous human alive? (At hand to hand combat)

Do you think the best MMA fighter at HW is the most dangerous human alive? (At hand to hand combat)

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I don't think so. However that takes nothing away from the dangers they pose. There are folks out there who do not hesitate to kill and it's a switch not easily flipped.

Maybe I should have chosen I don't know. Meh...

Well, yes and no.
Let's say some crazy body builder, with minimal skill (like a local boxing/ muay Thai gym) could sleep Jones or any other human with one good punch.
Heavyweights are so strong that not necessarily the most skilled guy will win, the one who connect the first good shot could end the figth early.

So, in that way, Jones and even Aspinall do not processes the most dangerous PUNCHES or KICKS of the world.
But avoiding that "puncher chance" situation, I think guys like Aspinall, or Jones could beat anyone else in the world.
and the longer the fight lasts, the greater their chances will be, since the best MMA quality is adaptability.
I am very impressed with the number of people who, like myself, said it's too hard to say.
It's easy to give in to our instincts and feel like we have a sure answer, even when we don't. Bravo!
It depends. If 3 dudes comes at me at once i'd rather be Anthony Joshua than Tom Aspinall. Just swing for my life.

One on one then yeah MMA is good. Just take his ass down.

If 3 random dudes come at you theres basically no difference between jon jones, anthony joshua or tom aspinall swinging punches. All 3 are getting knocked out pretty quickly
He literally humiliated Tyson Fury.

If anything, boxing proved he's able to beat some boxing champions.
I'd be willing to bet, that if Ngannou fought Fury again, Fury would win more convincingly. Lets face it, Fury didn't take this fight seriously, and he almost paid the price. He would be more prepared next time.
Yes, I would favor Aspinall over any HW or any fighter from a lower weight class.

Edit: wait OP is including maiming and killing, no.
Yes. Whether you like it or not, HW Jon Jones and Fedor are peak male athleticism

Jon Jones is undefeated, Fedor lost against a MW grandpa in the first round by KO.

Don't put them in the same sentence. Compared to Jon Jones, Fedor is a complete fraud.
For the most part yes, but ay any given moment anyone can win. For example some crazy dude could go for Jone's eyes, balls, or throat, catch him off guard. I would always favor a pro MMA fighter over anyone else, but no one is invincible, and people who are ruthless and have killed with their hands before would have an advantage in that way.
I did not think so when Ngannou was champ, and it was proven he wasn't when he fought boxers.
He boxed the best and third best boxers on the planet and arguably beat one of them. He would destroy either of them in an MMA fight.

He didn't have any kind of kicking offense and was not good on the ground.
He has both kicks and a ground game.

However, I feel like Jon Jones could beat anyone in a no holds barred fight.
Jones has a single win at heavyweight and it's a sub over a kickboxer with below average takedown defense. He has to do more at heavyweight to prove he's the best fighter in the world. Let's not ignore his prior two fights where his striking looked very ineffective against Santos and Reyes.
Prob some randos out there that shouldn’t be underestimated
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As long as we're not being pedantic in the way we answer, it's a yes.

Now, there was probably a time when Cormier and Jones were at LHW they might have been the best in combat, or Francis could still theoretically be the best in combat but doesn't compete in MMA anymore. But that's just splitting hairs.

That doesn't mean the best MMA HW couldn't lose in a one-off scenario, it means that if they were in a no holds barred fight with anyone and they fought a 100 times, they'd win the majority of them. Any dirty moves like eye gouging and kicking the nuts can also be utilised by MMA fighters, and UFC fighters are some of the best eye-pokers in the world. And targets the nuts is something that favours fighters who regularly kick and knee, which MMA fighters are also experts in.

The idea that some random dude is going "bite" their way to victory against Jon Jones is just a bit silly.

I suppose there is some small chance that there's an unknown heavyweight sized dude out there that trains in MMA but doesn't fight professionally in MMA, but puts in the same level of training as professionals do, and hards spars with high level fighters to get fight experience.
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