Do moles on a pretty girl distract you?

I have a skin tag on my abdomen (oblique area) that grew to what resembled a third nipple and then mutated to what looks like a 2nd ballsack
I have a ....
I have a skin tag on my abdomen (oblique area) that grew to what resembled a third nipple and then mutated to what looks like a 2nd ballsack and has now reached it's final form - 2nd penis

dude I need to get blitz drunk and want my wife to cut it off with safety razor but she wont
It's not gonna hurt, pussy. The thing is it's gonna bleed so do it in the tub and then put on some Yakety Sax when you try to get out of the tub. Even if she's gonna be a pussy about blood she'll laugh at the saxophone.

Wash, ice, slice, staunch, and do it calm so your heartrate doesn't go like it does whenever you see Nick Jonas' nipples. Don't drink.
It's not gonna hurt, pussy. The thing is it's gonna bleed so do it in the tub and then put on some Yakety Sax when you try to get out of the tub. Even if she's gonna be a pussy about blood she'll laugh at the saxophone.

Wash, ice, slice, staunch, and do it calm so your heartrate doesn't go like it does whenever you see Nick Jonas' nipples. Don't drink.
I'm not worried about the pain, I'm worried about her fucking up the single slice and having to go back in

but his nipples are a thing to behold
I'm not worried about the pain, I'm worried about her fucking up the single slice and having to go back in

but his nipples are a thing to behold

You're gonna have to make that cut, man.
I knew a girl with a mole on her face that was still gorgeous, it made her cuter for some reason, like a beauty mark or something. It wasn’t one of those long hanging moles though.
My girlfriend has one like that(more "beauty mark" not "mole,mole,mole!), and aside from her eyes that was what I initially found most attractive about her.